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On 1 April, 2017, someone used an exploit in 8chan's software to gain access to the server, used it to delete the database and take the site down, and later leaked a lot of data copied from the server. Among other things, this revealed the existence of Sunshine.

Sunshine was a system that (unsuccessfully) indefinitely stored the IP addresses of posts. For each post, a copy of the post together with its IP address was encrypted and inserted into a table. The entries could only be decrypted using a private key stored on a different computer. This was done in response to a law enforcement request for the IP address that posted a thread threatening a school shooting, which was received after the thread had already 404ed and the IP address had been deleted from the database. Sunshine was used successfully only once.

Because of the incomplete documentation of PHP's openssl_public_encrypt function, encryption of long posts failed, and they were not recorded. Sunshine never even worked properly.

#SYJ4R3 (0+2) / @ceyt / 2759 дней назад
10.1002/anie.201705489 Psilocybin is the psychotropic tryptamine-derived natural product of Psilocybe carpophores, the so-called "magic mushrooms". Although its structure has been known for 60 years, the enzymatic basis of its biosynthesis has remained obscure. We characterized four psilocybin biosynthesis enzymes. These include i) PsiD which represents a new class of fungal l-tryptophan decarboxylases, ii) PsiK, that catalyzes the phosphotransfer step, iii) the methyl transferase PsiM, catalyzing iterative N-methyltransfer as terminal biosynthetic step, and iv) PsiH, a monooxygenase. In a combined PsiD/PsiK/PsiM reaction, psilocybin was synthesized enzymatically in a step-economic route from 4-hydroxy-l-tryptophan. Given the renewed pharmaceutical interest in psilocybin, our results may lay the foundation for its biotechnological production.
#EKYBG8 (0) / @kuro / 2763 дня назад


Не перестаю восхищаться способности рашкованов ставить на ровном месте шлагбаум и тянуть бабки за его обход.

#77W24V (1+3) / @ceyt / 2765 дней назад
beaker notebook сдох(
#KYQRRX (1) / @anonymous / 2765 дней назад
#UG769L (0) / @kuro / 2769 дней назад
https://www.jove.com/ - когда скрестили научный журнал с ютьюбчиком
#J6S4OY (0+1) / @kuro / 2787 дней назад

Девочки-волшебницы: http://s1.thingpic.com/images/pQ/ThzsJPAZduYHxuHSPB5jumZV.jpeg

#D3XWH0 (4) / @ceyt / 2790 дней назад
Обесните, навальный о чём-то кроме корупции вообще говорил?
#JCNO09 (3) / @anonymous / 2791 день назад
Палите лучшие цитаты с башорга по вашей версии
#0W4AR6 (0) / @anonymous / 2793 дня назад
На наносекунду подумал что в рф в правительстве исключительно вояки с порядками как в военке, вспомнив военную службу и сопоставив результаты команд на выходе.
#6PRSNB (0) / @anonymous / 2819 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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