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вставил в ноут (i7-8550U) вместо 1x16ГБ 2x8ГБ (2400MT/s), позапускал llama.cpp, позамерял: SMT как не давал никакой пользы так и не даёт скорость двухбитовых нейронок практически не изменилась четырёхбитные нейронки стали в полтора раза быстрее восьмибитные стали почти вдвое быстрее
#B7J7H4 (0) / @l29ah / 1 день назад
https://huggingface.co/spaces/openlifescienceai/open_medical_llm_leaderboard Где скачать jiviai medX? Официальный NewMes чёт тоже куда-то пропал, и автор вообще хз кто, но нашёлся зато https://huggingface.co/mradermacher/NewMes-v15-GGUF Ну и не хватает сравнения с более свежими закрытыми моделями :[
#E18A6D (0) / @l29ah / 6 дней назад
#HT95UV (3) / @l29ah / 6 дней назад
https://openai.com/index/introducing-operator/ сможет ли LLM справиться с современным вебом?
#DLL7WL (0) / @l29ah / 9 дней назад
Обнаружена wiki про enshittification и связанные явления: https://wiki.rossmanngroup.com/wiki/Mission_statement Вот про Bambu например аж пять статей: https://wiki.rossmanngroup.com/wiki/Category:Bambu_Lab
#XHK0MJ (0) / @l29ah / 10 дней назад
Я правильно понимаю, что нынче лучшее/выгоднейшее железо для запуска здоровых LLMок без анальных бинарных драйверов - это AMD ThreadRipper и пачка модулей DDR5? Ну и Monero майнить можно заодно.
#ZY3AED (2) / @l29ah / 11 дней назад
В этот раз выключил автофокус, выключил автоэкспозицию, задрочился с hugin, но всё равно забор распидорасило т.к. там проходил в это время пешеход; держите дождец: https://tinystash.undef.im/il/5brSchJUgcMpJEWZuLe7phv9PcqBfZVPHrXENaarouiiBMf3goSxgWwxa8L4q72nK2CQdehL4q8v6WJyvc8r4aK8.jpg
#N99RDO (0) / @l29ah / 11 дней назад
Temporary error (Remote server timeout): Connection failed: connection refused
#I82399 (2) / @l29ah / 16 дней назад
The U.S. healthcare system does not align with the principles of capitalism, especially when examined through the lens of the core features that define a capitalist economy. According to the general understanding of capitalism, key components include capital accumulation, competitive markets, price systems, private property, the recognition of property rights, voluntary exchange, and wage labor. While these features are commonly observed in other sectors of the U.S. economy, the healthcare system is an outlier in many respects, failing to fully embody several of these fundamental characteristics. One major shortcoming of the U.S. healthcare system is the absence of truly competitive markets. In a typical capitalist system, competition is supposed to drive innovation, improve efficiency, and lower prices. However, the U.S. healthcare market is highly fragmented and dominated by large monopolistic or oligopolistic corporations, including pharmaceutical companies, insurance providers, and hospital chains. This concentration of market power reduces competition, limits consumer choice, and drives up costs. For example, in many areas of the country, a small number of insurance companies control the majority of the market, which reduces the ability of consumers to shop around for better coverage or prices. Additionally, healthcare providers often have limited incentive to compete on price due to a lack of transparency in medical costs. Another capitalist feature notably absent in U.S. healthcare is the efficient use of price systems. In a typical market economy, prices reflect the balance of supply and demand, helping consumers make informed choices about how to allocate their resources. However, the price system in U.S. healthcare is deeply distorted. Many medical procedures, medications, and treatments are priced without clear transparency, and patients are often unaware of the costs they will face until after receiving care. For example, the price of a simple hospital visit or a routine surgery can vary significantly depending on the hospital, geographic location, and even the patient’s insurance plan. This opacity in pricing makes it impossible for consumers to shop for the best value, a fundamental feature of a capitalist economy. Furthermore, the principle of voluntary exchange is undermined in the U.S. healthcare system. In capitalism, voluntary exchange refers to the idea that both parties in a transaction agree to the terms freely and with full knowledge of the consequences. In healthcare, however, many individuals are compelled to seek medical care in emergency situations or because they are required by law to purchase health insurance under certain circumstances (such as through employer mandates or government programs). Additionally, many people are forced to accept treatments and procedures without understanding or consenting to their full costs. The power dynamics in healthcare transactions, where patients often have limited options and urgent needs, hinder the free exchange of services that is supposed to characterize a capitalist system. A direct consequence of these deficiencies in capitalism is the exorbitant cost of medical care in the U.S. The high prices for medical services, prescription drugs, and insurance premiums make healthcare unaffordable for a significant portion of the population. For instance, the U.S. spends more on healthcare than any other nation, yet it ranks poorly in terms of outcomes such as life expectancy and infant mortality. Many individuals struggle to pay for necessary treatments, and healthcare-related expenses are one of the leading causes of personal bankruptcy in the country. In stark contrast, people in other countries—such as Canada or Mexico—can often access medical care at a fraction of the cost. In Canada, healthcare is primarily publicly funded and provides most medical services at no direct cost to the patient at the point of care. As a result, Canadian citizens typically pay far lower rates for healthcare services compared to their American counterparts. In Mexico, private medical care is available at a fraction of U.S. prices. For example, a dental procedure in Mexico may cost one-tenth of the price in the U.S., and many individuals from the U.S. travel abroad to receive cheaper healthcare services. These examples highlight how the U.S. healthcare system deviates from capitalist principles, particularly in terms of price transparency, market competition, and the basic functioning of voluntary exchange.
#ZZD9KE (0) / @l29ah / 17 дней назад
Рубрика "hugin не обосрался, а автофокус обосрался": пасмурный день после дождика, горно-городской пейзаж: https://tinystash.undef.im/il/4U4xpKbSdpGCtibQNVH4edosMZchBq365sULYYNYv5xk2UhTwLJVqtV5rLf7aDV1sj9KxKSjQs98UZMyCr2tHQyQ.jpg
#1J6IIY (0) / @l29ah / 21 день назад
aر ॣॣb
#QUO76K (1) / @l29ah / 31 день назад
Why do public OpenNIC DNS servers refuse to resolve cyrillic domain names? срёт.онлайн for example yields NXDOMAIN from at least a dozen of servers provided in https://servers.opennic.org/
#1KIDON (2) / @l29ah / 32 дня назад
Затестировал Qwen2-VL-7B-Instruct-Q5_K_M.gguf. Удивительно неплохо работает на моём старом ноутбуке. За несколько минут генерирует описания картинок неплохие. Буду наверное делать на его основе индексер картинок для домашней коллекции. Примеры описаний мемосов: # https://0x0.st/8rDY.jpg The image is a black-and-white sketch of a person walking with a backpack. The person is holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand. The text in the image is in Cyrillic script and reads "ЗНАНИЯ ХУЯНИЯ." # https://litter.catbox.moe/2vryfy.jpg The image depicts a group of swans swimming in a body of water that appears to be covered in green algae. The water is murky, and the swans are of varying colors, with some appearing white and others having brownish hues. The text in the image is in Russian and is scattered throughout the image, providing commentary or descriptions related to the scene. The text includes phrases such as "Кто там первый, а?" (Who's first there?), "Вы тоже чувствуете некую вторичность происходящего?" (Do you also feel a certain secondary nature of what is happening?), "ХЗ может симулякр или постмодерн" (I don't know if it's a simulation or postmodernism), and "Оказывается, что это метамем и смешно не будет" (It turns out that it's a meta-meme and it won't be funny). The overall tone of the text seems to be reflective and somewhat philosophical. # https://0x0.st/8rDh.jpg The image depicts a group of children balancing various objects on their heads. The text in the image is in Russian and provides a message about the importance of good posture and balance. Here is a translation of the text: --- **"Хорошая осанка полезна для вашей спины. Доктора знают, насколько важно её правильное формирование. Вы можете начать с классического упражнения сохранения равновесия при помощи банки с кислотой на вашей голове." Translation: "Good posture is beneficial for your back. Doctors know how important it is to properly form it. You can start with the classic exercise of maintaining balance using a jar of acid on your head." --- The image is likely an educational or motivational poster, emphasizing the importance of good posture and balance for children.
#KGVSYS (0) / @l29ah / 38 дней назад
Рубрика "hugin опять обосрался": https://tinystash.undef.im/il/b695Wiv3uMmK6wa1WkbzzSZi1yBdTsKM3eTLbMXEtEgovt1TT5DzVSGEHZWJLsxKnSH5g1dkVaNXVi5oPk5R7Vk.jpg Сходил на перевал 900м неподалёку от города, впервые за три года попал под скромный снегопад и пронаблюдал два слоя облаков, сфоткал закат. Пониже это всё выглядит как-то так: https://tinystash.undef.im/il/5Nb5xVQjUeCZDPMGQJPhWLNHZ6otYn3raEQetdJ4DyBku4pwgBGSnaXwQ51iz6t9bufDh6ju69xKL8Ro7c8jd5eg.jpg
#SPEXND (1) / @l29ah / 40 дней назад
https://www.augmental.tech/ ротовой тачпад
#HA6DAS (0) / @l29ah / 40 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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