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Теги: Клубы:


#UWHS4J (2) / @proctolog / 2980 дней назад

Правда о Земфире: для кого она жарит сырники?

#BLCSE6 (4) / @proctolog / 2980 дней назад

Life in Maine, where Stephen King has spent most of his adult years, requires long drives down country roads, time that King, whose mind is restless, likes to fill by listening to books on tape. In the ’80s, however, he sometimes could not find the books he wanted on tape — or maybe he just did not bother. He had three children: Naomi, Joe and Owen. They could read, couldn’t they? All King had to do was press record. Which is how his school-age children came to furnish their father, over the years, with a small library’s worth of books on tape.

#CDQ87X (0) / @proctolog / 2982 дня назад

Как понять что воду в кране только что включала баба?

#Q283H0 (10) / @proctolog / 2982 дня назад

It’s not unusual for the department to send a van to transport all the criminals Ross arrests at this Walmart. The call log on the store stretches 126 pages, documenting more than 5,000 trips over the past five years. Last year police were called to the store and three other Tulsa Walmarts just under 2,000 times. By comparison, they were called to the city’s four Target stores about 300 times. Most of the calls to the northeast Supercenter were for shoplifting, but there’s no shortage of more serious crimes, including five armed robberies so far this year, a murder suspect who killed himself with a gunshot to the head in the parking lot last year, and, in 2014, a group of men who got into a parking lot shootout that killed one and seriously injured two others.

The company’s new strategy primarily involves shifting employees within stores—moving them from the storeroom and aisles to store exits, where some of them spot-check receipts. It’s also stationing people at self-checkout areas, installing eye-level security cameras in high-theft areas (particularly electronics and cosmetics departments), and using data analytics to detect when people try to get credit for things they didn’t buy (thieves love to find discarded receipts in the parking lot, then go into the store, gather up items on the list, and “return” them for cash). To cut down on calls to police, Walmart has been rolling out a program where first-time offenders caught stealing merchandise below a certain value can avoid arrest if they agree to go through a theft-prevention program. At some higher-crime stores, the company is also hiring off-duty police and private security officers. According to Walmart Stores executives, it’s all starting to work.

#CNA3PY (1) / @proctolog / 2983 дня назад

Мы открываем книжный клуб.
Сегодня в программе Борис Виан и "Осень в Пекине".
Первая попавшаяся из релевантных ссылок на книгу - вот.
Если у тебя есть ссылка на другой, лучший, перевод, welcome.
Читаем до понедельника 29 августа, после чего под соответствующим тегом будем обсуждать.
Убедительная просьба поберечь спойлеры до этой даты.
Игры в "насрал и убежал", "вы все дураки и не лечитесь", а также глобальная бакланизация без аргументации будут баниться без жалости.

#1UEMGS (0) / @proctolog / 2983 дня назад

Опасный сленг
Если вы услышите от своего ребёнка следующие слова (по телефону, в диалоге с друзьями, но не с вами), то есть серьёзные причины для беспокойства: ребёнок говорит о наркотиках. Сильнодействующий синтетический каннабиоид имеет множество названий, на которые стоит обратить внимание в речи подростка:
Дживик, спайс, микс, трава, зелень, книга, журнал, бошки, головы, палыч, твёрдый, мягкий, сухой, химия, пластик, сено, липкий, вишня, шоколад, россыпь, рега, дым, зеленый флаг, ляпка, плюха — всё это кодовые названия препарата.

#O1MB53 (3+1) / @proctolog / 2984 дня назад

Their bickering had been brewing for several days. The pair went back and forth in the article’s ‘talk’ page, which is linked in the top left corner of every entry on the site. Elliott argued passionately for his cause, and at one point logged out of his account to back up his own argument anonymously; these contributions were tagged with his IP address. Two days earlier, he had responded anonymously to another editor, writing, “I fart in your general direction, which is a hell of a lot more pleasant than editing Wikipedia, I can tell you!” After reviewing the conflict, a site administrator decided to ban Elliott on that Tuesday night. “Given the seriousness of this conduct, I’ve set the block duration to indefinite,” noted the admin.
Elliott’s mind was on fire. Already short-fused from several months of unemployment and recent health and financial woes, he felt overwhelmed with stress. As he sat fuming in front of the screen, his wife approached and asked him to help put their children to bed. The request startled him, and he reacted with a flash of fury. Elliott immediately regretted his anger. Stunned and embarrassed, he grabbed his phone and keys, hopped into a white Hyundai, and sped off.
After driving for a while, he parked outside a local school and switched off the engine. He pulled out his iPhone and started typing a lengthy email. Titled “The End” and sent to a public Wikipedia mailing list watched by thousands of people around the world, late on the evening of Tuesday, May 17, Elliott’s email begins, “I’ve just been blocked forever. I’ve been bullied, and I’m having suicidal thoughts.”
More than 2,000 words later, after recounting the events surrounding his ban in the exhaustive manner of a man well-versed in defending his position to nitpicking online strangers, he wrote, “I know I’m not well. I have fought this feeling for a decade.” Elliott ended with this: “I sit here in my car and contemplate suicide. My despair is total. There is not a kind one amongst you. You have taken my right of appeal, my ability to protest and my dignity. You have let others mock me, and I have failed to contribute to Wikipedia’s great mission — one I feel so keenly. I failed. I’m not sure what I’m going to do next. I will drive, I don’t know where. I pray my family forgives me.”

#QZSW3D (4) / @proctolog / 2984 дня назад

The letter from Clinton’s doctor reported her vital medical signs (100/65 blood pressure, heart rate 72, cholesterol of 195, normal lab tests) and briefly reviewed her major medical history. She has hypothyroidism, for which she takes medication, and suffers from seasonal allergies.
Clinton was also found to have blood clots in 1998 and 2009; she takes a blood thinner regularly. She has some family history with stroke and heart disease.
A concussion that Clinton suffered in December 2012 has been the foundation for much of the speculation about her health. The doctor’s letter reported that Clinton had a stomach virus, became dehydrated, fainted, and sustained the concussion. During an evaluation after the concussion, a blood clot was found in her head.
She was hospitalized to treat the clot about two weeks after the concussion, according to contemporary news reports. She was released from the hospital a few days after that and returned to work about a week later. She also suffered from double vision after the concussion and wore special glasses for a time to cope.

#ACP4CW (3) / @proctolog / 2984 дня назад

ой какая

#MAKU4L (0) / @proctolog / 2984 дня назад

ой, переносы

#4CAY4B (0) / @proctolog / 2984 дня назад

Is internet freedom a tool for democracy or authoritarianism?

#58HBCG (1) / @proctolog / 2984 дня назад

The Justice Department plans to end its use of private prisons after officials concluded the facilities are both less safe and less effective at providing correctional services than those run by the government.
While experts said the directive is significant, privately run federal prisons house only a fraction of the overall population of inmates. The vast majority of the incarcerated in America are housed in state prisons — rather than federal ones — and Yates’ memo does not apply to any of those, even the ones that are privately run. Nor does it apply to Immigration and Customs Enforcement and U.S. Marshals Service detainees, who are technically in the federal system but not under the purview of the federal Bureau of Prisons.
The directive is instead limited to the 13 privately run facilities, housing a little more than 22,000 inmates, in the federal Bureau of Prisons system.

#THFD6M (1+1) / @proctolog / 2985 дней назад

Копаясь в своих обширных архивах компромата (у меня на всех есть, да-да!) обнаружил, что за Леней Волковым-то оказывается водятся грешки пострашнее шутовского "харрасмента". Писал он публичные доносы по 282-ой статье на какого-то патриотического клоуна из РАН (а может и не только на него, раз привычка такая имеется) - http://avva.livejournal.com/2111699.html?thread=63302867#t63302867

#6VZDEJ (0) / @proctolog / 2985 дней назад


#S4V198 (3+1) / @proctolog / 2985 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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