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#WO4M7Q (0) / @proctolog / 3145 дней назад

According to the email message Hachette sent to booksellers, the license for the mass market edition expired and was not renewed because of “the wishes of the author.” An attachment that accompanied the email said that “there will no longer be a mass market edition of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ available from any publisher in the U.S. as per the wishes of the author’s estate.”
The mass market edition costs $8.99, and schools typically get a discount for buying in bulk. More than 20 million copies have been sold.
The edition has been published by Hachette for 40 years. HarperCollins will continue to publish the more expensive trade paperback edition of “To Kill a Mockingbird,” at $14.99 to $16.99, as well as hardcover and e-book editions. The book was first published in hardback in 1960.

#8Y6JIP (0) / @proctolog / 3145 дней назад

А куда Воробей пропал? Его палестинцы порезали?

#QHB8F2 (2) / @proctolog / 3145 дней назад

А вот эти Ланбин и Чирков во ФСИНе работают?

#RMJ18V (0+1) / @proctolog / 3146 дней назад

А зачем говорить диспетчеру при вызове скорой — блэк пострадавший или вайт?

#NPGOBO (7) / @proctolog / 3147 дней назад

А почему играет Ли Седоль, а не Ли Чхан Хо?

#MS8BFS (2+1) / @proctolog / 3147 дней назад

Что такое "чукалово"?

#MC2WWM (1) / @proctolog / 3148 дней назад

А Набоков в русской версии «Лолиты» переводит jeans как «ковбойские панталоны».

#RSBZ11 (0+1) / @proctolog / 3154 дня назад


Маргарет Тэтчер свой стандарт произношения меняла дважды. Сначала она разговаривала, как дочь лавочника, которой и являлась. Затем окончила Оксфорд и приобрела оксфордский выговор — он тоже довольно узнаваемый и в политических делах не всегда полезный. Этот выговор стал ей мешать, и тогда она поставила себе RP (Received Pronunciation). RP — это чистое произношение, практически лишённое следов классовых и региональных черт. Так разговаривают дикторы BBC.

#EVDACM (2) / @proctolog / 3154 дня назад

Fanta originated as a result of difficulties importing Coca-Cola syrup into Nazi Germany during World War II due to a trade embargo.[1] To circumvent this, Max Keith, the head of Coca-Cola Deutschland (Coca-Cola GmbH) during the Second World War, decided to create a new product for the German market, using only ingredients available in Germany at the time, including whey and apple pomace – the "leftovers of leftovers", as Keith later recalled.[1][2] The name was the result of a brief brainstorming session, which started with Keith's exhorting his team to "use their imagination" (Fantasie in German), to which one of his salesmen, Joe Knipp, immediately retorted "Fanta!"[2]
The plant was effectively cut off from Coca-Cola headquarters during the war. After the war, the Coca-Cola corporation regained control of the plant, formula and the trademarks to the new Fanta product—as well as the plant profits made during the war.[1][2]
Fanta was discontinued when the parent company was reunited with the German branch. Following the launch of several drinks by the Pepsi corporation in the 1950s, Coca-Cola competed by relaunching Fanta in 1955.

#N880SW (2+2) / @proctolog / 3156 дней назад

In 1978, when I was five years old, my parents and I spent part of the summer in Zaporozhye, a city in Ukraine where we had relatives. One day we went to a nearby beach on the Dneiper River. An adult stranger asked what my name was. I told him that it was Ilya. “What an excellent Russian name,” he said.
My mother had recently told me that “Ilya” was a Jewish name from the Bible (it is in fact a Russified version of the biblical “Eliahu”). I started to explain this to the Ukrainian man.
My mother overheard this little etymological discourse, and quickly pulled me away. She then instructed me in no uncertain terms that I was not to tell anyone in Ukraine that I was Jewish or had a Jewish name. The Ukrainians, I later learned, were considered to be even more anti-Semitic than the Russians. Ironically, thirty years later I married the granddaughter of a Ukrainian nationalist who had fled to America in 1919.

#67NITU (1) / @proctolog / 3157 дней назад

Не знаем, что делать с названием корабля "Дитя Титана" (Titan Child). Слово "дитя" в косвенных падежах требует совершенно "неудобосказуемой" формы. "Он бежал по палубе "Дитяти Титана" - выглядит ужасно. Являются ли формы слова "дитя" с наращением основы устаревшими? Как в таком случае следует склонять это слово?

#IRGMRI (7) / @proctolog / 3158 дней назад

Потенциально опасную вещь увидел в тесте Arzamas "Найдите себе ровесника среди писателей". Его сейчас многие проходят и выкладывают в соцсетях. Там один из ответов: "В моем возрасте Маяковский совершил самоубийство". Предупрежу, что я против табуирования темы суицида. И не поддерживаю политику Роскомнадзора в этой теме.
НО. Именно в таком ответе на развлекательный тест я вижу факторы суицидального риска. Прежде всего, сильная персонализация. В первом лице предлагается сравнить себя с культурно значимой персоной, которая в таком же возрасте совершила суицид. И неоднозначна формула "В моем возрасте" - она словно бы сравнивает человека с это авторитетной персоной, и может вызывать дальнейший вопрос "А я?".
Подразумевается, скорее всего, что все люди разумные и не будут буквально трактовать. Но и у разумного человека может быть депрессия, кризисная ситуация или особая эмоциональная впечатлительность. Мне сейчас, в 11 вечера и по памяти, трудно привести данные исследований. Но, повторюсь, сходство по возрасту, культурная значимость персоны сопоставления, обращение в первом лице и двусмысленность фразы - это факторы риска. И это, как минимум, психологически безграмотно и безответственно.

#H1HARV (0) / @proctolog / 3160 дней назад

Alienation of affections is a common law tort, abolished in many jurisdictions. Where it still exists, an action is brought by a deserted spouse against a third party alleged to be responsible for the failure of the marriage. The defendant in an alienation of affections suit is typically an adulterous spouse's lover, although family members, counselors and therapists or clergy members who have advised a spouse to seek divorce have also been sued for alienation of affections. As of 2016, six US states (Hawaii, North Carolina, Mississippi, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Utah) recognize this tort.
Million dollar verdicts have not been uncommon in North Carolina for alienation of affection and emotional distress.[6] In March 2010, a wife won a $9 million suit against her husband's mistress.[7] In another 2010 case, a wife successfully sued her former friend who allegedly seduced her husband while the friend was visiting the couple at their North Carolina home, resulting in the second highest award ever received in such suits.[8] A Mecklenburg County jury awarded $1.4 million in May 2001 to a former wrestling coach against P, after the coach's wife left him for P (the jury verdict was later reduced by the NC Court of Appeals as excessive). A year 2000 verdict of $86,250 for alienation of affections and $15,000 for criminal conversation in the case of Pharr v. Beck, from Burke county was upheld on appeal. In 1997, in the case of Hutelmyer v. Cox, the Plaintiff wife was awarded $1 million against her husband's secretary who "dressed sexy at work" and had an affair with him destroying their marriage.[6]

#G7P2C6 (2+2) / @proctolog / 3161 день назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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