> If one judges socialism in terms of its stated ideals rather than its real-world results, then why not do the same for fascism? Sure, Italy actually produced a police state, caused widespread poverty, “murdered many thousands of civilians, bombed the Red Cross, dropped poison gas, starved infants in concentration camps and tried to annihilate cultures deemed inferior.” But a fascist could simply respond in exactly the same way that Robinson does, namely by saying, “If there isn’t social justice, real equality of individuals, and a fight against privilege, there isn’t fascism, no matter what the country’s leaders may choose to call themselves.” Few would take the “not real fascism” reply seriously; I see no reason why we should treat socialism any differently.
Зачем противопоставлять социализм и фашизм вообще? Фашизм — это только одна из форм социализма, довольно умеренная к тому же и относительно небрутальная по последствиям.