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#2K6RHU / @windowsadmin / 3208 дней назад

>harassment пиздос, как страшно там у них жить
#2K6RHU/AIN / @anonymous / 3208 дней назад

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Lawyer lawyer lawyer LAWYER lawyer LAWYER.
I think the consensus in the grown-up business world is "fire immediately for cause." I would bet substantial money that when you lawyer lawyer lawyer they will advise you to do that and document the heck out of it. The calculus is really, really simple: if you don't, then you will with probability approaching one get this incident or a similar incident cited during a threatened employment practices lawsuit, and your lawyers will sigh and say "OK, settle for $250,000. You can choose to fight it but the odds are not in your favor."

Ваще пиздос у них там гестапо, кто-то написал кому-то прикол в чате — сразу надо нагнать толпу адвокатов, иначе пиздец и страшные финансовые траты. Как они там вообще делают бизнес с такими законами, это ж удавиться.

#2K6RHU/D0C / @goren / 3208 дней назад
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