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дети видят в этом ёлку, а битарды — баттплаг: http://std3.ru/0a/44/1413542326-0a44a7a5ef769ee432655a430462fe6e.JPG
#386EVJ / @hirthwork / 3800 дней назад

выглядит и впрямь провокационно
#386EVJ/VG7 / @silvery / 3800 дней назад
@silvery у тебя просто неправильный ассоциативный ряд
#386EVJ/U9X / @hirthwork --> #386EVJ/VG7 / 3800 дней назад
еще лава-лампы имеют такую же форму
#386EVJ/ZN3 / @stiletto / 3800 дней назад
интересно, какие-нибудь одаренные люди додумывались использовать лава-лампу в этой роли?
#386EVJ/WB6 / @stiletto / 3800 дней назад
@stiletto в роли ёлки?
#386EVJ/RVA / @hirthwork --> #386EVJ/WB6 / 3800 дней назад
@stiletto там вроде нет такого сильного сужения
#386EVJ/HQK / @hirthwork --> #386EVJ/ZN3 / 3800 дней назад
@hirthwork ну ещё это похоже на ножку табуретки или нижнюю часть ночного начтолького светильника
#386EVJ/BAB / @silvery --> #386EVJ/U9X / 3800 дней назад

@stiletto http://www.amazon.com/review/R3Q36JT6BGUV59/ref=cm_cr_rdp_perm?ie=UTF8&ASIN=B002ASACXU

I found this amazing "Barack Obama" butt plug here on Amazon searching for rubber fists, As soon as I saw it I HAD to order it... it was like love at first sight. I am tickled by the way it warms up although it does get a bit hot for my tender skin. I also like the way the resin feels ... reminds me of a trip to Greece I took a few years ago... Ooh the memories.
Anyway, It also sports a picture of a dandy looking fellow that I assume is the inventor or perhaps a famous celebrity user or spokesman. It looks really patriotic with the red white & blue... although it has started to show signs of discoloration turning a pale shade of brown over the years. The best part is the cool lava effect inside, although it gets hard to see after a few hours of use, but I found it will wipe off with some pine-sol which has the added bonus is the fresh pine scent!

All in all, I think this is the best butt plug I have gotten through Amazon to date. Thank you very much!

UPDATE... I have been informed by friends & family that this is something called a "Lava lamp" & not a butt plug as I had assumed in my review... sorry, my bad.
I'm not sure why anyone would want something so kitschy & tasteless on a countertop, but to each their own I guess

#386EVJ/ERP / @stiletto --> #386EVJ/WB6 / 3800 дней назад
А англичане -- принца Альберта.
#386EVJ/DAE / @kb / 3800 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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