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Уау конституцию вбросили: http://liberland.org/en/constitution/ §1. All legislative powers of the Free Republic of Liberland shall be vested in the Citizens of the Free Republic of Liberland, hereinafter “the Citizens”, and the Assembly of the Free Republic of Liberland, hereinafter “the Assembly” which shall exercise it on behalf of the Citizens. §2. The Assembly shall consist of twenty Assembly Representatives elected by the Citizens in the General Election held every four years. §4. The Assembly shall elect the Chancellor of the Free Republic of Liberland, hereinafter, “the Chancellor”, who shall form the Cabinet of the Free Republic of Liberland, hereinafter “the Cabinet”, with the majority of no fewer than eleven votes. §7. The power to initiate a legislative procedure shall lie with the Cabinet only. §12. The powers of the Assembly shall be restricted to the following only: §12(5) to establish a militia to maintain the internal security; лан §15. Any Bill proposing taxation and/or taxation-like burdens shall be subject to the mandatory referendum to take place within ninety days after the Bill was passed by the Assembly, and shall be deemed to be vetoed if the majority of the Citizens taking part the in that referendum vote ‘No’. §16. Any referendum in the Free Republic of Liberland shall be conducted online via the Internet. §17. Any Bill vetoed by the Citizens in the referendum shall be considered void and shall not be revived. §10. No law shall create victimless and/or consensual crimes. ок
Рекомендовали: @o01eg
#BOS0UJ / @l29ah / 3461 день назад

Чё там у копирастов?
#BOS0UJ/CZY / @o01eg / 3461 день назад
@o01eg Про них ничего не сказано вообще.
#BOS0UJ/4UE / @l29ah --> #BOS0UJ/CZY / 3461 день назад
@l29ah А из конституции ничего не выводится?
#BOS0UJ/X70 / @o01eg --> #BOS0UJ/4UE / 3461 день назад
@o01eg Нет.
#BOS0UJ/IOQ / @l29ah --> #BOS0UJ/X70 / 3461 день назад
@l29ah Почитай, она небольшая.
#BOS0UJ/AAQ / @l29ah --> #BOS0UJ/IOQ / 3461 день назад
> You can suggest changes as pull requests to the draft on github... https://github.com/liberland/constitution
#BOS0UJ/M8K / @l29ah / 3461 день назад
РуССких не пускают.
#BOS0UJ/XVM / @windowsadmin / 3461 день назад

Раньше лучше было.

#BOS0UJ/24U / @goren / 3461 день назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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