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Рекомендовали: @dulo_t-34
#C52XSE / @mugi / 3578 дней назад

In cryptography, MUGI is a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) designed for use as a stream cipher. It was among the cryptographic techniques recommended for Japanese government use by CRYPTREC in 2003, however, has been dropped to "candidate" by CRYPTREC revision in 2013.

MUGI takes a 128-bit secret key and a 128-bit initial vector (IV). After a key- and IV- setup process, MUGI outputs 64-bit output strings based on the internal state, while updating the internal state after each output block. MUGI has a 1216-bit internal state; there are three 64-bit registers (the "state") and 16 64-bit registers (the "buffer").

MUGI uses the non-linear S-box that was originally defined in Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). A part of the linear transformation also reuses the MDS matrix of AES. The basic design is influenced by that of Panama.

#C52XSE/6AD / @goren / 3578 дней назад
@goren не крипер плс
#C52XSE/N0Q / @mugi --> #C52XSE/6AD / 3578 дней назад

@mugi Имитация истинно случайных чисел.

#C52XSE/MIH / @goren --> #C52XSE/N0Q / 3578 дней назад
хуль ты тут имитируешь
#C52XSE/XFN / @dy / 3578 дней назад
@dy хуитирую
#C52XSE/93X / @mugi --> #C52XSE/XFN / 3578 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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