> This is the writeup of some events that happened last Monday, around the R community, and what I'm doing about them.
> TL;DR: I'm resigning from all of my responsibilities and positions in the wider R community and ceasing development of new R packages. I no longer have faith that the R Foundation is capable of or interested in creating a safe and welcoming space for statisticians, scientists and programmers, and do not wish to offer support to an infrastructure lacking these capabilities and interests.
>### R and inclusion
> Rewind a week, to last Monday: I'm wandering around Twitter seeing what everyone is up to, reading through, and spot a tweet that immediately makes me headdesk. It points to a line in the R source code containing a variable called, with all seriousness...
> > [iGiveHead](https://github.com/wch/r-source/blob/b156e3a711967f58131e23c1b1dc1ea90e2f0c43/src/library/utils/R/str.R#L57 )
> I don't think that this is an intentional sexual reference - far from it, I'm certain it's just due to an absence of familiarity with one particularly crass English idiom, and I have only ever known the developer who wrote the code (whose first language is not English) to be entirely proper, entirely reasonable, and the model of what a productive Core member should be.
>But it needs to go anyway: it's exclusionary as all hell to have language like this in the core implementation and we can't expect people to instantly understand intentions.
@kero > This conversation has been locked and limited to collaborators.