Ш̴̴̜̥͍͕̼̙̱͙͎͍̘̀̐̔́̾̃͒̈̔̎́́͜р̧̛̺͖͖̯̖ͧͤ͋̅̽ͧ̈̐̽̆̐͋ͤͦͬ͛̃̑͞͞и̒ͥͤͯ͂ͣ̐̉̑ͫ̉̑҉̛͏̸̻͕͇͚̤͕̯̱̳͉ͅф̴̴̡̟̞͙̙̻͍̦͔̤̞̔̓́̍͗̚͢͞ͅт̨̐ͫ̂͊̄̃ͥͪ͏̫̺͍̞̼͈̩̥̜͔͜͜ы̸̴̱̺̼̠̦͍͍͍̱̖͔̖̱͉̅͑͌͒ͫ͒̀ͥ͐ͤ̅͘̕.̵̴̡̭̼̮͖͈̙͖͖̲̮̬͍͙̼̯̦̮̮ͦ̆̀̑̌ͮͧͣͯ̔̂́͟г͌ͮ̏̈͂ͯ̚҉̛̙̬̘̲̗͇͕̠̙͙̼̩͚̀͘͞ͅо̷̥̯̘̓ͤ̽͒̋̉̀̂̄̒̓̊ͨ͛́̌ͤ̂̀͠в̶̒͒̓̏̓̚҉̛̙̘̺̰̮̼̟̼̥̟̘̠̜͜н̸̷̸̲̝͈͙̰̟̻̟̰̜̟̗͎̻̻͍̿̔̃ͨ͑о̔̀̋ͫ̇̿̐ͫ͌͗ͩ҉̨̜̙̙͈͍̮̮̼̙̘̞̕͜͡ Войти !bnw Сегодня Клубы


That the present “Votes for Women” movement is only a phase of the anti-man crusade which Feminism has been carrying on for nigh two generations past with the aid of the Press, is shown, not only by the persistent efforts to represent “ man-made laws “ as unjust to women, but by the incidental remarks of Suffragette leaders in which the sex animus is shown, no concealment being made of the intention to use the suffrage for rivetting on man the chains of legalised female oppression. For example, Mrs. Pankhurst recently represented one of the functions of emancipated “Womanhood” to be the handing over of the luckless male to the Female blackmailer by raising the “age of consent” above sixteen!! The allusion made at the same time to the “daughters of the working class “ is a piece of demagogy too thin to deceive anyone as to the venomous sex-spite animating this outrageous proposal.
Again, in the Daily News for July 30 a suffragette objects to a woman being punished for murdering her child, protesting that the father, who had had nothing to do with the crime, ought to have been in the dock in her place!
In the present agitation we see merely the culmination of a Feminist campaign organised with scarcely any attempt at concealment, as I have said, on the basis of a sex-war. But this sex-war is at present one-sided, the man’s case goes by default. There is no sex-conscious man’s party to be appealed to and to engineer public opinion in favour of the claims of the most elementary justice for him, as here is a sex-conscious woman’s party to further any and every iniquitous claim of the female sex. So long as the present state of things lasts, organised determination on the one side and indefinite gullibility on the other, are likely to maintain the ascendancy of the Feminist cult and increase the sphere of female privilege.

TIL сто лет назад феминаци были такими же, как и сейчас.

#DJSSHX / @goren / 3397 дней назад

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