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Не пытайтесь повторить это дома: http://www.anime-now.com/entry/2017/08/15/220002 "Why You Should Be Watching Made In Abyss with Your Kids There are few anime series I enjoy that I generally think are suitable for pre-teens, outside of Ghibli movies or obvious kids shows, but Made in Abyss is certainly one of them. A surprising number of shows with child characters don’t really focus on child agency. Made in Abyss does. Update 9/11: Originally the paragraph above stated Made in Abyss would be suitable for “elementary school students.” By this, I meant “elementary school students the same age as the main characters—i.e., 10-11”—as is mentioned later in the article. However, as this word choice has caused confusion, I have updated the above paragraph for clarity. [This article contains spoilers for the first six episodes of Made in Abyss.] [...]"
#DXBDHQ / @o01eg / 2580 дней назад

Очень полезные навыки ампутации // тред не читал
#DXBDHQ/ODW / @kuro / 2580 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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