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McMillan's highly publicized arrest and trial led to her being called a "cause célèbre of the Occupy Wall Street movement".[2] McMillan claimed that her breast was grabbed and twisted by someone behind her, which she claims to have responded to by reflexively elbowing her perceived attacker in the face.[3] The officer involved, Grantley Bovell, testified that she deliberately assaulted him, a claim supported by video evidence showing McMillan "bending her knees, then throwing her right elbow into the officer’s eye".[1][4] She was arrested after a brief attempt to flee, and claims to have been beaten by police during her arrest.[3] McMillan was convicted of felony second-degree assault on May 5, 2014, and was subsequently sentenced to three months in prison and five years of probation.[1][4]

#HD9FCK / @proctolog / 2709 дней назад

пострадавшему омоновцу квартиру-то дали?

#HD9FCK/LQQ / @hirthwork / 2709 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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