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On September 5, 1999, terrorists were transporting two bombs that they mistakenly thought were set to go off at 17:30 Israel Standard Time; they were actually set for 17:30 Palestinian Daylight Time, which was an hour ahead. As a result, the bombs went off while being transported, killing the terrorists

#HDBX1Y / @muromec / 4006 дней назад

было в твиттере
#HDBX1Y/H37 / @238328 / 4006 дней назад
@238328 было в израили
#HDBX1Y/YDF / @muromec --> #HDBX1Y/H37 / 4006 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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