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Most viewed artists:
Claude Monet (Artwork: https://goo.gl/h7EhGu - Water Lilies, from National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo)
Georges Seurat (Artwork: https://goo.gl/zJ5NNh - The Channel of Gravelines, Petit Fort Philippe, from Indianapolis Museum of Art)
Vincent Van Gogh, (Artwork: https://goo.gl/Fnfm8t - Self-Portrait, from the National Gallery of Art)
Most viewed artworks:
The Starry Night, Van Gogh from the MoMA The Museum of Modern Art (https://goo.gl/09DbfT)
A Sunday on La Grande Jatte, Seurat, from the The Art Institute of Chicago (https://goo.gl/GDzDZO)
View of Toledo, El Greco, from the The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (https://goo.gl/k5s17z)
ой, а я про Сёра не слышал никогда

#IKV6WE / @proctolog / 3193 дня назад

бля один имрессионизм, хорошо хоть без поп-арта
#IKV6WE/1NW / @arkada / 3193 дня назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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