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— Girlfriend and i want to try the "Stand and Carry" position, how should we train for it?
— What you need to do is train the same way you train other weights — have sex with progressively larger and larger women until you can handle someone as fat as your girlfriend.

#ILDMPR / @hirthwork / 3552 дня назад

пойнтопараша там ---->
#ILDMPR/QGP / @anonymous / 3552 дня назад

@anonymous @arts, перелогинься

#ILDMPR/F2H / @hirthwork --> #ILDMPR/QGP / 3552 дня назад
@hirthwork сорь
#ILDMPR/T1I / @silvery --> #ILDMPR/F2H / 3550 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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