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Ещё одна очередная связь между госмонополией на информацию и социалистами:Ф https://fee.org/articles/cultural-appropriation-does-not-exist/ "After years of complaining about such “problems” as a white chef cooking Mexican food or about “insensitive” Halloween costumes, it looks like Social Justice Warriors have finally prevailed. The United Nations will soon discuss, at the demand of indigenous groups, a ban on so-called cultural appropriation in order to “expand intellectual-property regulations to protect things like Indigenous designs, dances, words and traditional medicines.” It is rather ironic that those Natives would only want to ban “appropriation” of “their” culture. Why not push it to its logical conclusion and call for a ban on all cultural appropriation? This means that they would have to forgo every single technology that was imported from the rest of the world since 1492. In other words, they would have to abandon mathematics, writing, any form of metal casting, currency, all languages not originally from Pre-Columbus America, modern medicine, etc. Ideas are not property Most of them would, of course, refuse, since going back to the Stone Age would mean pain and suffering as they would be at the mercy of Mother Nature, who isn’t all that merciful anyway. Besides, they have the concept of property wrong. Property implies a physical object like a house or clothes you bought or made yourself. It is as old as human civilization and is scarce. Intellectual property, on the other hand, is a monopoly granted by governments to keep someone from using something that is never scarce: ideas. This has given rise to questionable practices like patenting genes (struck down by the Supreme Court in 2013) to keep anyone from researching it for a given period of time. Or the constant lobbying from the Disney Studios to keep Mickey Mouse from falling into the public domain – he would have in 1984. Culture Is an Idea, and More Ideas Improve Culture Culture works the same way. It constitutes “the habits, beliefs, and traditions of a particular people, place, or time.” Notwithstanding forced assimilation like the infamous Canadian Indian residential school system, a culture is adopted voluntarily by individuals – people are not a homogenous group with indistinctive members. A given culture gets adopted because it serves the individual’s self-interest in some way, be it right now (giving a gift to someone you love) or for the afterlife (going to a religious building and praying). Even when considering peer pressure, adopting a given culture is still voluntary..."
Рекомендовали: @noleg_pidor_i_sosal
#KN54KS / @o01eg / 2541 день назад

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