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Очередная победа феминизма над разумом: "Успехи идентити политикс не перестают удивлять: насильника посадили, он заявил о женской гендерной самоидентификации, его перевели в женскую тюрьму, где он изнасиловал ещё двоих, при обсуждении на местном LGBTQ-слёте феминистка назвала насильника "он" вместо "она" и была с позором изгнана ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I didn’t want to look at my accuser, so I sat next to him. When Patterson opened the floor, I encouraged Pipitone to speak by saying, “Ladies first.” His flimsy argument against me was as baseless as it was comical: “I don’t really feel that we have to say too much to build a case.” I would have laughed if my body hadn’t been pumping cortisol. Several queer community members claimed that differentiating sex and gender hurts their feelings. One gay man, Phillip Clark, said modern science debunked sex. I was dumbfounded. How can we be homosexual if biological sex is fake? The night continued with so much gaslighting that the room began to spin. Robert Steininger, past president of OUTLaw at Baltimore University, disagreed with the dictionary definitions of “sex” and “lesbian” that I listed in my statement. Another committee member who had just had a hysterectomy said her vulva is “masculine, and it’s a male and it’s a man.” Finally, Patterson steered the meeting towards a vote by saying, “My question for you was simply, could you in a responsible manner not publicly bring your internal language to a table of diversity?” Pipitone motioned to vote, and Clark seconded. All members present raised their hands except me. “Motion to keep Julia as co-chair?” My hand alone raised. The meeting adjourned. None of my critics would look me in the eye."
#MVCM7H / @o01eg / 2076 дней назад

поебалися и малофья полилася )))
#MVCM7H/U7V / @anonymous / 2075 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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