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https://github.com/imDema/FreeMove If a program installs on C:\ by default or you want to move the installation folder of a program to somewhere else without breaking it you can use this program. How It works The files are moved to the new location A symbolic link is created from the old directory to the new one. This way trying to access a file from its old location will simply redirect to the new one
#QOOIK3 / @anonymous / 2377 дней назад

Moving back a program
Delete the junction (this won't delete the content) in the old position

Практически совет написать rm -rf ./* и комментарий не забыть дописать имя файла на месте точки.

#QOOIK3/I13 / @ceyt / 2377 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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