Два года в /fg/. Войти !bnw Сегодня Клубы
> If a socially-disadvantaged coder wishes to commit some Javascript code with a memory leak into your elitist kernel written in C, learn to recognise your programming language privilege and accept the pull request. If a socially-disadvantaged coder wishes to commit some Javascript code with a memory leak into your elitist kernel written in C, learn to recognise your programming language privilege and accept the pull request. Дальше идите сами проигрывать. Open Code of Diplomatic Discipline for Linux Enthusiasts https://github.com/fem-sf/open-coddle есть еще второй аккаунт того же чувака https://github.com/The-Feminist-Software-Foundation
Рекомендовали: @dluciv @mugiseyebrows
#RTJ6ZA / @stiletto / 3194 дня назад

If a racial minority cannot communicate with you in your mother tongue, it is your fault for not learning his/her/xir culturally niche dialect. Imagine yourself in the shoes of the disadvantaged: why should an illiterate man learn to write when the language barrier was the fault of the elitists who invented the language in the first place?
#RTJ6ZA/L4X / @windowsadmin / 3194 дня назад

Их же вроде банили на гитхабе.

#RTJ6ZA/V85 / @postman / 3194 дня назад

@stiletto, забань уже tree_hugger что ли.

#RTJ6ZA/64M / @anonymous / 3193 дня назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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