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Рекомендовали: @moskvano_imbecillus_alcoholismus
#SRGDRP / @insulano / 1677 дней назад

#SRGDRP/CCD / @bazar / 1677 дней назад
@bazar Certain symptoms, such as feeling agitated and having hallucinations, usually go away within days of starting an antipsychotic medication. Symptoms like delusions usually go away within a few weeks, but the full effects of the medication may not be seen for up to six weeks. Every patient responds differently, so it may take several trials of different antipsychotic medications to find the one that works best. Some people may have a relapse—meaning their symptoms come back or get worse. Usually relapses happen when people stop taking their medication, or when they only take it sometimes. Some people stop taking the medication because they feel better or they may feel that they don't need it anymore, but no one should stop taking an antipsychotic medication without talking to his or her doctor.When a doctor says it is okay to stop taking a medication, it should be gradually tapered off— never stopped suddenly. Many people must stay on an antipsychotic continuously for months or years in order to stay well; treatment should be personalized for each individual.
#SRGDRP/XQ9 / @anonymous --> #SRGDRP/CCD / 1676 дней назад
@anonymous Щас я соберу толпу людей с микроинсультами на этой почве, и каждый пизданёт тебе разок по почкам. Посмотрим, останешься ли ты в приемлимом состоянии для сервитации^W экспериментов по внедрению аппарата для гемодиализа внутрь тела.
#SRGDRP/H6W / @bazar --> #SRGDRP/XQ9 / 1676 дней назад
@bazar Сколько ходок в ПНД, кого из авторитетных шизов знаешь?
#SRGDRP/UDD / @telegram --> #SRGDRP/H6W / 1676 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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