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How to complain about Go https://medium.com/@divan/how-to-complain-about-go-349013e06d24 > If you come from Haskell, I shouldn’t give you any advice. You already must be a professional in mocking Go. It’s in Haskell 101 course. New Haskell books contain special chapter “How to laugh on Go”, after all. > Even if you intuitively understand that Go is way more practical than Haskell and entry barrier really matters  —  keep insisting that it has “objectively poor design”. Because everyone knows which language has objectively good design.
Рекомендовали: @plhk @minoru @tremerix @krkm
#TDSNPH / @anonymous / 3215 дней назад

алсо *IDE *debug > smash them by comparing Java’s IDE with Go’s IDE. Of course, there is no Go IDE, because Go is too simple to require one, but it’s bad also. Double kick. > write about the lack of good debugger (integrated into IDE, of course). How can someone write even simple code without a debugger? Don’t ask if you really need debugger in Go that much as you need it in Java and why.
#TDSNPH/5BD / @anonymous / 3215 дней назад
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#TDSNPH/Z9D / @anonymous / 3214 дней назад
@anonymous > Of course, there is no Go IDE ващет, как минимум, 2 штуки есть liteide vscode
#TDSNPH/L9B / @anonymous --> #TDSNPH/5BD / 3214 дней назад
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