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А вот кому онлайн-тест Роршаха? http://theinkblot.com/ Если кому лень проходить тест, можете сразу перейти к результатам: http://theinkblot.com/testresults.htm Ну а хуле, один хуй люди, которым нечем заняться кроме как проходить в интернетах всякие текстики, все одинаковые.

Рекомендовали: @o01eg
#UUM4M8 / @goren / 4172 дня назад

> Step Error: You must take the test pages in order.
#UUM4M8/JFM / @corpse / 4172 дня назад
Sickness Quotient: 95% WARNING: Your "Sickness Quotient" of 95% is very disturbing. Detailed Diagnosis Interpersonal Insights Everyone likes you. This is because your life is such a mess that everyone else is relieved they aren't you. You are utterly incapable of meaningful relationships, which is probably a good thing since you're a horrible bore under the best of conditions. Job Performance & Attitude Your work is of so little value they should just put a shredder in place of your Out basket Your attitude towards work is that you could watch others do it all day long. Personality Insight Your personal motto is "What doesn't kill me makes me stronger." Wrong. What doesn't kill you usually makes you hurt all over and go "Owie!" Отлично!
#UUM4M8/H0D / @l29ah / 4172 дня назад
>Step Error: You must take the test pages in order.
#UUM4M8/QQ5 / @anonim / 4172 дня назад
Горен не осилил метод POST и исполнение кода в файлах с расширением .html?
#UUM4M8/76P / @o01eg / 4172 дня назад
Sickness Quotient: 93% WARNING: Your "Sickness Quotient" of 93% is very disturbing. Detailed Diagnosis Interpersonal Insights You never give up and refuse to settle for less than the best. In other words, you're impossible to please and you never shutup. You complain about everything regardless of what it is. You wouldn't be happy even if you were hit by a new car. Job Performance & Attitude Your work is of so little value they should just put a shredder in place of your Out basket You aspire to becoming the CEO of a large, powerful company. This is unlikely since you rarely leave your parent's basement. Personality Insight Your personal motto is "I'm Okay, You're Okay!" Believe me, nothing could be further from the truth.
#UUM4M8/5A9 / @kerrigan / 4172 дня назад
@failman я писал то что действительно видел
#UUM4M8/B10 / @kerrigan --> #UUM4M8/O4M / 4172 дня назад
Sickness Quotient: 87% Your "Sickness Quotient" of 87% is definitely something to worry about. Detailed Diagnosis Interpersonal Insights You complain about everything regardless of what it is. You wouldn't be happy even if you were hit by a new car. You have difficulty concentrating or keeping on task, probably because you're an idiot with a short attention-span. Job Performance & Attitude You have a deep love for your patients, which is unfortunate since you're a veterinarian. You work very slowly. In fact, if you went any slower you'd be in reverse. Personality Insight Your personal motto is "Find something you love, and do it." Unfortunately, your test results indicate you really love sheep.
#UUM4M8/CBK / @captain-obvious / 4171 день назад
@failman Феилмен и кагами - это как инь и янь, ящитаю.
#UUM4M8/VER / @l29ah --> #UUM4M8/IUA / 4171 день назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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