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“Two years ago, Boris Nemtsov was murdered on a Moscow bridge within view of the Kremlin, and no one has been held accountable,” said Rubio. “He was just one of Vladimir Putin’s critics who have wound up dead or hospitalized as the regime cracks down on any opposition and rules Russia with an iron fist. Putin may hope Nemtsov’s murder deters dissent, but we must continue to support Russia’s pro-democracy movement so that does not happen.
“The creation of 'Boris Nemtsov Plaza' would permanently remind Putin’s regime and the Russian people that these dissidents’ voices live on, and that defenders of liberty will not be silenced. It will also help raise awareness among the American people about the ongoing abuses in Putin’s Russia,” added Rubio. “Whether it is looking at a street sign or thousands of pieces of correspondence addressed ‎'1 Boris Nemtsov Plaza,' it will be abundantly clear to the Kremlin that the intimidation and murder of opposition figures does not go unnoticed. In honor of Nemtsov’s memory and all Russians fighting for their democratic rights, I will continue working to ensure that those responsible for his murder are held accountable.”


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