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Хотя понятно, что левацкий кикстартер забанит эту анти-фемофашистскую игру: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/williamdalebout/virtue-signal-the-game-of-social-justice https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2019/10/virtue-signal-the-game-pokes-fun-at-the-crazed-social-justice-activist-community/94358/ "William Dalebout’s Virtue Signal: The Game Of Social Justice is a tabletop card game about all the insanity, rule-changes, and virtue signaling nonsense of the radical Regressive Left. It lampoons the ridiculous and dangerously over-the-top nature of Liberal Progressivism, and it’s currently seeking funds on Kickstarter at the moment. The title sees players taking on the role of a SJW. The objective is to grow your followers and become more prominent. The basic gist is very similar to a game of dominoes., where you build up your line and attempt to be the first to have the largest following. However, other players will attempt to thwart your progress by throwing monkey wrenches in your growth by accusing you of having committed microaggressions. Microaggressions impede your progress towards follower growth, and sets you back."
#XZD0U2 / @o01eg / 1839 дней назад

ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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