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Solving the Dating Problem with the SENPAI Protocol

Рекомендовали: @hate-engine @goren @mugiseyebrows @kuro
#Z1ITW3 / @lexszero / 3130 дней назад

> the Dating Problem че
#Z1ITW3/URE / @l29ah / 3130 дней назад
A reminder to all authors: SIGTBD employs a double-blind paper review process, and authors are prohibited from de-anonymizing their work, including via communications with the SIGTBD committee. Vague references to your submitted work, such as in form of poetic allusions or puzzles, are acceptable. Communication by any means with strong anonymity guarantees is also encouraged.
#Z1ITW3/AML / @kuro / 3130 дней назад
@l29ah мой копролоновый шелдон купер
#Z1ITW3/JT4 / @mugiseyebrows --> #Z1ITW3/URE / 3130 дней назад
#Z1ITW3/0Q0 / @anonymous / 3130 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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