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Ну что, гауссовская система всё? https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8241772 Magnetics has been one of the scientific disciplines most resistant to adoption of the SI. With the revised SI, the “peaceful coexistence” of two systems of units [Silsbee 1962] is no longer feasible. The following recommendations warrant consideration. 1) Scholarly journals that publish articles in magnetics should require use of the SI and disallow EMU such as oersted, gauss, and “emu per cubic centimeter.” Authors who find the expression of magnetic field strength H in units of ampere per meter to be inconvenient could instead refer to μ₀ H in units of tesla (or milli-, micro-, nano-, or picotesla). Similarly, magnetization M could be expressed as μ₀ M or as magnetic polarization J in units of tesla or millitesla. 2) For the benefit of future generations of magneticians, professors should use SI in classroom instruction. Commercial instruments and magnetometers should be programmed to report measurement results in SI. 3) In writing equations, it is adequate to use phrases such as “where μ₀ is the permeability of vacuum” (or “the vacuum magnetic permeability” or “the permeability of free space” or “the magnetic constant”) without giving a numerical value. This follows typical usage when referring to the speed of light c, the Boltzmann constant k, or the Bohr magneton μB.
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