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https://mashable.com/article/zoom-vulnerability-windows-passwords/ проприетарщики опять навернули говна > This is not the only privacy/security-related issue that has been unearthed at Zoom in the past couple of weeks. Just yesterday, The Intercept reported that Zoom doesn't actually use an end-to-end encrypted connection for its calls, despite claiming to do so. There's also the issue of leaking users' emails and photos to unrelated parties, and the fact that the company's iOS app, until recently, sent data to Facebook for no good reason. > Zoom software also has a couple of worrying privacy features, and although this isn't Zoom's fault, it's worth noting that hackers are using the app's newfound popularity to trick users into downloading malware.
Рекомендовали: @l29ah_eto_pedikulez_bnwacha
#ZJN8FL / @l29ah / 1651 день назад

Рассказуй, каким сверхсофтом пользуются адепты Штульмана для видеоконференций.
#ZJN8FL/JG3 / @komar / 1651 день назад
@komar jami
#ZJN8FL/OWF / @l29ah --> #ZJN8FL/JG3 / 1651 день назад
@l29ah Ни хуя себе. Пойду поставлю.
#ZJN8FL/YZJ / @komar --> #ZJN8FL/OWF / 1651 день назад
@komar jitsi
#ZJN8FL/4FL / @anonymous --> #ZJN8FL/JG3 / 1651 день назад
@corpse Уёбывай, клоун.
#ZJN8FL/IDT / @l29ah --> #ZJN8FL/N78 / 1651 день назад
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