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http://rotten-k.livejournal.com/1367333.html http://www.change.org/petitions/internat.....ami-nebula "International Astronomical Union: Change the official name of nebula NGC 6357 to the "Madokami nebula" It is our belief that NGC 6357 is the physical representation of Madoka Kaname, having ascended to Godhood through her wish that the world be free of the malevolent beings created out of despair known as "witches". We feel that calling her Holiness the "War and Peace" Nebula is a desecration of the trials and hardships she endured in her life before her ascension. Thus, we humbly ask that NGC 6357 be renamed the "Madokami Nebula". Doing so will acknowledge her Holy and transcendentally beautiful visage as she continues to watch over us as we go about our lives in this world she created for us through her selfless sacrifice."
Рекомендовали: @stiletto
#ZW6XPT / @o01eg / 4267 дней назад

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