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Хозяйке на заметку: fn main() { let mut core = Core::new().expect("Can't create Tokio Core"); let handle = core.handle(); // Use only one Ctrl+C signal. let ctrl_c = tokio_signal::ctrl_c(&handle).flatten_stream().take(1).map(|_| false); let interval = Interval::new(Duration::from_secs(1), &handle).expect("Cann't create timer").map(|_| true); // Process each ctrl-c as it comes in let prog = ctrl_c .select(interval) .take_while(|c| Ok(*c)) // stop when Ctrl+C .for_each(|c| { println!("{:?}", c); future::ok(()) }); match core.run(prog) { Ok(o) => println!("Finish: {:?}", o), Err(e) => println!("Error: {}", e), }; }
#LC4YX3 (2) / @o01eg / 2677 дней назад
И зачем было создавать такой goвноязычок, в котором нет даже параметрического полиморфизма? https://www.reddit.com/r/rust/comments/5penft/parallelizing_enjarify_in_go_and_rust/dcsgk7n/ can you please explain this go syntax to me? type ImmutableTreeListᐸElementTᐳ struct { I thought go doesn't have generics. It doesn't. That's just a "template" file, which I use search and replace in order to generate the three monomorphized go files. If you look closely, those aren't angle brackets, they're characters from the Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics block, which are allowed in Go identifiers. From Go's perspective, that's just one long identifier.
#9CV5EE (2+1) / @o01eg / 2729 дней назад
#0XKJN3 (1) / @o01eg / 2769 дней назад
Ждём ебилдов: http://blog.rust-lang.org/2015/08/06/Rust-1.2.html "What’s in 1.2 stable As we previously announced, Rust 1.2 comes with two major performance improvements for the compiler: An across-the-board improvement to real-world compiler performance. Representative crates include hyper (compiles 1.16x faster), html5ever (1.62x faster), regex (1.32x faster) and rust-encoding (1.35x faster). You can explore some of this performance data at Nick Cameron’s preliminary tracking site, using dates 2015-05-15 to 2015-06-25. Parallel codegen is now working, and produces a 33% speedup when bootstrapping on a 4 core machine. Parallel codegen is particularly useful for debug builds, since it prevents some optimizations; but it can also be used with optimizations as an effective -O1 flag. It can be activated by passing -C codegen-units=N to rustc, where N is the desired number of threads. Cargo’s performance has also improved dramatically: Builds that do not require any recompilation (“no-op builds”) for large projects are much faster: for Servo, build time went from 5 seconds to 0.5 seconds. Cargo now supports shared target directories that cache dependencies across multiple packages, which results in significant build-time reduction for complex projects. The 1.2 release also introduces support for the MSVC (Microsoft Visual C) toolchain, as opposed to GNU variants. The upshot is that Rust code is now directly linkable against code built using the native Windows toolchain. The compiler bootstraps on MSVC, we have preliminary nightlies, and we are testing all rust-lang crates against MSVC. Unwinding support is not yet available (the process aborts on panic), but work is underway to land it. On the language side, Rust 1.2 marks the completion of the dynamically-sized type (DST) work, allowing smart pointers like Rc to seamless apply to arrays and trait objects, so that Rc<[T]> is fully usable. This final enhancement applies to all smart pointers in the standard library. Support for external smart pointer types is available in nightlies, and will be stabilized soon."
#1FIYKL (2) / @o01eg / 3358 дней назад
http://blog.maidsafe.net/2015/07/01/the-ants-are-coming/ "Soon after, heavily frustrated by the speed at which we were developing in C++, we started looking into ways to speed up development without a reduction in code quality, surely the holy grail of software development. After much research, David became increasingly convinced that a new systems-level language, Rust, had something to offer. In his spare time (between about 2 a.m. and 5 a.m.) he started transposing one of our most complex libraries, Self-Encryption (the component that seamlessly splits data into smaller chunks and encrypts them), over to Rust, which at that time wasn’t even in Beta yet. This was very successful and fast! David followed a similar process with MaidSafe’s Routing library. With another successful test complete our development team was split for a few weeks while the core team remained in C++ and another team started transposing the rest of the code. This was a risky and scary time. To split the dev team at a period when we were under significant pressure to produce a stable network seemed counterintuitive. But thankfully, going backwards to move forward paid off, and without this change there is no doubt in our minds that we would not be where we are today. It is not the intention to go into detail here about how and whether Rust is better than C++. For debates on that subject you can check out some of the threads on the forum and elsewhere. I think that is a debate as contentious as GPL vs MIT, or even Borg vs MacEnroe, fun to debate but don’t expect consensus any time soon. All I can say is that it’s working for us and allows us to iterate quickly, be more defined with our tasks and be more definitive with our timescales."
#0TN0OX (2) / @o01eg / 3364 дня назад
"error: the trait `core::iter::Iterator` is not implemented for the type `[_; 108]`"
#B5CNZ1 (2) / @o01eg / 3469 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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