# Post-release hot-fixes grabbed from HG, this is what all following
# patches are based on in my Mercurial patchqueue (mq).
# must have fixes to compile or behave correctly, upstream
# ignores, disagrees or simply doesn't respond/apply
# the big feature patches that upstream doesn't want to include, but
# nearly every distro has due to their usefulness
В генте что, нету компилятора для Go? Посмотрел на вывод eix -C dev-go, посмотрел в booboo, go-overlay и mva — пакетов, похожих на компилятор, не видно. Мне что, качать тарболл, как советуют на сайте?
> If a bug report pertains to a specific package, then you enter the package's directory in your copy of the gentoo git repository (or perhaps the online version which should always be more or less up to date) and read the metadata.xml file you find there. When metadata.xml lists a single maintainer, then you assign the bug to that maintainer. When the file lists multiple entries, then you assign the bug to the first <maintainer>, and CC the other <maintainer>(s). If you find that metadata.xml lists inappropriate and/or confusing contact information, then make a note of that in a comment on the bug report and assign/CC the bug report as well as you can.
22:51:32]<L29Ah> /usr/libexec/paludis/6/build_functions.bash:eapply_user()
/usr/libexec/paludis/6/build_functions.bash- return 0
22:51:33]<L29Ah> T_T
22:52:50]<ciaranm> compliant implementation
22:52:57]<ciaranm> feel free to implement something else if you want it
22:53:01]<ciaranm> but only if you do it properly
> Oracle requires you to download the needed files manually after accepting their license through a javascript capable web browser.
Заебало, как автоматизировать?
чё за хуйня? полностью кильнул /usr/portage, сделал emerge-websync и вылазит:
localhost etc # emerge -uND world
Calculating dependencies... done!
>>> Verifying ebuild manifests
!!! Digest verification failed:
!!! /usr/portage/sys-apps/busybox/busybox-9999.ebuild
!!! Reason: Filesize does not match recorded size
!!! Got: 8493
!!! Expected: 8580
багрепортить, иль чё? Уже третий день такая хрень