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Пайретбеевский индексер опять пиздой накрылся. На этот раз вместе с форумом. Где теперь торренты публиковать?

#6VHBW9 (5+1) / @l29ah / 4201 день назад

Где моё TPB?

#W0UZQ3 (20) / @stiletto / 4348 дней назад

The Pirate Bay is back online. Its new provider turned out to be none less than one in North Korea. This has all sorts of interesting geopolitical consequences.

People using The Pirate Bay right now will observe that it’s slightly slower than usual. Earlier today, the Norwegian Pirate Party sent a press release that they no longer supplied bandwidth to The Pirate Bay, as the party’s uplink had caved to threats from the copyright industry about kicking out The Pirate Bay. (This remains a concern in itself.)

Ten minutes after that article was posted, The Pirate Bay came back online with a new provider that was as-yet unidentified. The swarm has worked and discovered the origins of the new provider: North Korea.

This has all sorts of interesting geopolitical consequences.

(For the technically interested, the last link in the traceroute chain is A whois lookup will tell you that this is an ISP based in North Korea.)

North Korea may have the one government on this planet which takes pride in asking Hollywood and United States interests to take a hike in the most public way imaginable. Many more governments could do well to learn that particular idea, even if they don’t need to pick up the other things that the NK government is up to.


#KKCKQ6 (12+3) / @anonim / 4385 дней назад
torrents.thepiratebay.se uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate expired on 02.02.2013 06:52. The current time is 06.02.2013 08:58.
#698NFP (1) / @l29ah / 4411 дней назад
#OSNFHO (0) / @daniil_trueifrit / 4732 дня назад
У The Pirate Bay опять говнопроблемы: сломалась аплоадилка торрентов. Ре-ре-ре-реквестирую годный свободный индексер.
#KTSO8I (0) / @l29ah / 4793 дня назад
Набыдлил заливалку на bayimg. Теперь можно радовать норот центральны^Wкартинками к раздачам на пайретбее без особого дрочинга.
#056WZY (0) / @l29ah / 5002 дня назад
С bayimg: Q: Hey so this is just a new project from The Pirate Bay? Is this just so you can post free pictures of Paris Hilton and Pirates of the Caribbean? A: Yeah, some of us run The Pirate Bay as well as 100 other cool projects. But please dont insult our taste and intelligence. Though we enjoy any picture of Paris in jail, we'd be more happy to see pictures of: you, you dressed up like a pirate, Håkan Roswall in a pink dress (don't ask) or anything that would make the world a happier place. Q: Ok, I wanna remove that silly picture of me as a drunken sailor, that I uploaded yesterday. A: When you uploaded the picture, you wrote a removal code. Kind of like a password. Now type it in and noone will ever see that picture again!
#3AGBBP (0) / @l29ah / 5002 дня назад
На пайретбее появились sponsored links. Баги с юникодом и не только n-летней давности так и не пофикшены. Ящитаю, это конец. Реквестирую свободный индексер полущ.
#461I7S (2+2) / @l29ah / 5010 дней назад
The Pirate Bay. Категория "Электронные книги": http://thepiratebay.org/browse/601
#SRN3BX (1+1) / @goren / 5151 день назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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