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Donnie, what did Roberta Sparrow say to you? - She said that every living creature on earth dies alone. - How it that make you feel? - It reminded me of my dog Kelly, she died when I was eight and she crawled into the, near, to the porche. - To die? - To be alone. - Do you feel alone right now? - I mean. I'd like to believe I'm not but I just... I've just never seen any proof so I... I just don't debate it anymore, you know? It's like I could spend my whole life debating it over and over again, weighing the pros and cons and in the end I still wouldn't have any proof so I just... I just don't debate it anymore. It's absurd. - The search for God Is absurd? - It is if everyone dies alone. - Does that scare you? - I don't wanna be alone.
#QTB8FE (1) / @debeauvoir / 3050 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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