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Шок, Андрей Гейм рекламирует биточки // и оксфорд инструментс > As the rumour goes, soon you will be able to buy a personal resistance standard from Oxford Instruments , for just a few bitcoins. https://www.nature.com/articles/nphys4310 http://dump.bitcheese.net/files/gyzajik/nphys4310.pdf
#5Y7ZPK (0+2) / @kuro / 2041 день назад
The more its value rises, the more we're going to start having a junk yard gold rush where people flock to dumps to look for hard drives, SD cards, anything that might store a wallet. Entire communities will grow around junk yards with whorehouses and taverns, where bitcoin hunters will drink warm beer, exchange tales of how much they lost, and show each other pics of their kids back home waiting to be millionaires.
#8ONVNS (0+1) / @kuro / 2841 день назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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