Sydney Padua explores an alternate universe wherein Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage complete the Analytical Engine and use it to (at the order of Queen Victoria) fight crime.
I'm starting to think that procrastination by reading random articles does
not cause you to rest, that is, you do not regain mental energy from it.
Success and happiness cause you to regain willpower; what you need to heal
your mind from any damage sustained by working is not inactivity, but
reliably solvable problems which reliably deliver experienced jolts of
positive reinforcement.
Две хороших мысли касательно сокращалок урлов:
URL shorteners may be one of the worst ideas, one of the most backward ideas,
to come out of the last five years. In very recent times, per-site
shorteners, where a website registers a smaller version of its hostname and
provides a single small link for a more complicated piece of content within
it… those are fine. But these general-purpose URL shorteners, with their
shady or fragile setups and utter dependence upon them, well. If we lose
TinyURL or, millions of weblogs, essays, and non-archived tweets lose
their meaning. Instantly. To someone in the future, it’ll be like everyone
from a certain era of history, say ten years of the 18th century, started
speaking in a one-time pad of cryptographic pass phrases. We’re doing our
best to stop it. Some of the shorteners have been helpful, others have been
hostile. A number have died. We’re going to release torrents on a regular
basis of these spreadsheets, these code breaking spreadsheets, and we hope
others do too.
But the biggest burden falls on the clicker, the person who follows the
links. The extra layer of indirection slows down browsing with additional DNS
lookups and server hits. A new and potentially unreliable middleman now sits
between the link and its destination. And the long-term archivability of the
hyperlink now depends on the health of a third party. The shortener may
decide a link is a Terms Of Service violation and delete it. If the shortener
accidentally erases a database, forgets to renew its domain, or just
disappears, the link will break. If a top-level domain changes its policy on
commercial use, the link will break. If the shortener gets hacked, every link
becomes a potential phishing attack.
The Bomb Didn't Beat Japan... Stalin Did
Суть: капитуляция Японии во Второй мировой была вызвана не бомбёжкой Хиросимы и Нагасаки, а вторжением Советов на Сахалин.
What happens if you remove randomness from Doom?
For some reason, recently I have been thinking about Doom. This evening I was wanting to explore some behaviour in an old version of Doom and to do so, I hex-edited the binary and replaced the random number lookup table with static values.
Rather than consume system randomness, Doom has a fixed 256-value random number table from which numbers are pulled by aspects of the game logic. By replacing the whole table with a constant value, you essentially make the game entirely deterministic.What does it play like?