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https://squawker.org/culture-wars/antifa-disrupts-lgbt-parade-claims-gay-people-are-offensive-to-muslims/ "Antifa Disrupts LGBT Parade; Claims Gay People Are Offensive To Muslims Whether we agree with their beliefs or not, Gay Pride Parades (for the most part) are well… gay. Happy. Bright. Enthusiastic and peaceful. They march around with rainbow flags, wear really weird clothing, and tell everybody how proud they are to be gay. Annoying? Most certainly, especially if you feel as though they’re shoving an agenda down your throat. But these marches tend to keep it fairly peaceful. When you start putting Sweden, Muslims, and Antifa into the mix, however, you have a recipe for disaster. Recently in Stockholm Sweden, a Gay pride event was held that caused a bit of controversy. Everything was going great until someone made a wrong turn. Specifically, those participating in the march entered a predominantly Muslim territory. What happened next is a little confusing, to say the least. Antifa (short for Anti-Fascists) hit the scene, and they were not at all pleased with the locations the Gay Pride marchers were choosing. Why? Because it was living proof that Muslims don’t support gays. Instead, in their own countries, they throw them off of bridges and stone them to death. One Sweedish Antifa member (clearly supporting communism) had this to say in an interview promoted by VFN: “It’s a propagation against the Muslim population here. I think it’s a private thing what gays do in the bed.” Yeah, that attire of her’s sure makes me wanna subscribe to Antifa! (That was sarcasm folks.) Antifa began calling out those in the march, saying how they’re “fascist” and “in the wrong”. The reporter who covered the event noted how some people were saying it was “a PR stunt, aimed at dividing communities.” But isn’t Antifa supposed to be pro-gay AND pro-Muslim? It seems that when they finally realized the tension between each community, they got triggered by the idea of having to choose one to side with. Whoever then, was to be the enemy, would have to be labeled as Nazi’s and fascists. So now, according to Antifa, gay people are racist Neo Nazi’s who only march in Muslim areas to be offensive to their opposition. More and more gays are being red pilled so to speak, with Milo Yiannopolos leading the revolution. After this incident, I wouldn’t be surprised if even greater numbers turned away from far left movements and joined the right side of political and social issues. Only time will tell, but we still have enough red pills to go around. "
#J7K5T5 (0+1) / @o01eg / 2484 дня назад
Об псевдовыборах: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqlS4vgdB0M
#NXS5OQ (0+3) / @o01eg / 2491 день назад
https://twitter.com/StalinGulag/status/958260205376147457 «Вся нечисть с песьими головами восстала против Смерти Сталина потому, что фильм бьёт по самому уязвимому, по безгрешности власти. Режиссёр показывает: страшная, вечная, тирания падёт, что диктатор, нагоняющий ужас лежит обоссанный, жалкий, беспомощный...»
#OK1612 (0+2) / @o01eg / 2493 дня назад
https://fee.org/articles/armed-women-empowered-women/ "State Representative Joe Salazar recently drew fire for telling the Colorado legislature that college women should arm themselves with rape whistles rather than guns. “And you don’t know, if you feel like you’re gonna be raped, or if you feel like someone’s been following you around, or if you feel like you’re in trouble when you may actually not be,” Salazar said, “that you pop out that gun and you pop … pop a round at somebody.” Salazar’s comments suggest he thinks college-age women are not competent to use guns safely. But they also suggest he isn’t aware of just how many lives are saved by people with guns and the role guns can play in leveling the playing field between women and their assailants. I have firsthand experience. In 2003, while out riding mountain trails on a dirt bike and an ATV, my husband and I were attacked. The crazed man approached with a large rock. After a physical confrontation with my husband, I drew the 9mm on my belt and fired. Only then did the attacker flee. If my six-foot-three, 220-pound husband couldn’t fend off the man, how effective would a 130-pound woman blowing a rape whistle have been in a similar circumstance? That gun probably saved both of our lives that day. Unfortunately, my experience isn’t all that unusual. Gun Owners of America cites a 1997 survey conducted by Kleck & Gertz, which showed, “As many as 200,000 women use a gun every year to defend themselves against sexual abuse.” A more recent article, “10 Stories That Prove Guns Save Lives,” provides anecdotal evidence. Stories like mine aren’t hard to find. Mary Chastain, writing for Breitbart, relates the story of a woman in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, who was accosted as she was getting into her car by a man brandishing a knife. Luckily, when the perpetrator shoved her across the seat, she was able to retrieve her handgun from the glove compartment, which scared the assailant away. In this case, just having a gun prevented a physical confrontation. In the same piece, Chastain relates the story of a pregnant woman in Roswell, New Mexico, who was doing her laundry with her three-year-old when a man approached her, undressing as he made sexual advances. He shoved her down and struck her before her landlord stopped him with two blasts from a shotgun. After the first blast, the attacker turned on the landlord, forcing him to fire a second time. If it took two shotgun blasts to stop this woman’s attacker, we have to ask again, how much good would a rape whistle have done? Attorney Gayle Trotter, writing in The Washington Times, reminds us that “an armed woman does not need superior strength or the proximity of a hand-to-hand struggle. She can protect her children, elderly relatives, herself or others who are vulnerable to an assailant.” Such statements reinforce the findings of a 1985 survey of felons carried out by the National Institute of Justice, in which a large percentage of felons claim they avoid choosing victims they know are armed. As a woman, I resent any implication that I’m too stupid to wield a gun safely because of my gender. Women have struggled for decades against this type of thinking. But apparently we haven’t come far enough. Yes, the right to keep and bear arms is a women’s issue. I have been a hunter and a gun owner all of my adult life. I know how to handle and operate a firearm. I feel safer in my home knowing I have a gun to protect me and mine. Women in the military fight for our country with automatic weapons and female police officers carry guns in the line of duty to protect citizens every day. Police Magazine relates the story of Sgt. Kristin Shiner, an off-duty sheriff’s sergeant in Collier County, Florida, who apprehended a gunman who had shot and killed one man; before he could injure others, she stopped him without firing her weapon because she thought clearly and acted wisely. There are numerous stories like Shiner’s, of women saving themselves and others by arming themselves."
#RGBOUM (0+1) / @o01eg / 2494 дня назад
https://freemedia.io/2018/01/voennogo-prishedshego-na-oppozitsionnyj-miting-v-krasnodare-uvolili "Военного, посетившего оппозиционный митинг в Краснодаре, уволили Об этом сообщил сам Рустам (фамилию молодой человек не указал) в комментариях на странице сообщества «Забастовка избирателей» ВКонтакте. «Почувствовав косые взгляды [сотрудников полиции], я решил [уходить]. Завтра у меня день рождения, хотелось бы дома отметить. Полицейские натравили военную полицию — не успел выйти, они ко мне. «Документы, почему, зачем», записали и отпустили. Через минут 40 начало названивать начальство», рассказал Рустам. Позже Рустам узнал, что его уволили 26 января, за два дня до митинга. Также об увольнении сообщили ещё несколько человек на страницах сообщества ВКонтакте."
#3VGS74 (2+1) / @o01eg / 2494 дня назад
https://twitter.com/abroadunderhood/status/957708137905127429 "По поводу оскорбления религиозных чувств: я чуть не отхватит люлей, когда сказал египтянину христианину что в России на Пасху красят яйца. Он сказал что с такими вещами не шутят, и вообще это, наверное, мусульмане какие-то."
#Y3RGXV (0+2) / @o01eg / 2495 дней назад
Удобно, когда Аллах за тебя получает согласие на секс у любого млекопитающего женского пола: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5306279/Mother-refused-report-Afghan-migrant-molesting-daughter.html "An Afghan migrant who molested a 12-year-old Swedish girl was initially not reported to police - because her mother was dating him. Abdul Dostmohammadi, 18, was living with his 45-year-old girlfriend in Sölvesborg, southern Sweden, when he sexually molested the 12-year-old. When the girl told her what had happened, the mother refused to report him to police as she feared he would be sent back to Afghanistan, court documents reveal. Dostmohammadi, now 19, had moved into the family home after he turned 18 and was no longer allowed to live in a care home for under-aged migrants. The 45-year-old had worked at the care home, and had offered to take Dostmohammadi in after he became an adult."
#06RL20 (1+1) / @o01eg / 2496 дней назад
"Самолёт, полный феминистками, летящими в Находку на митинг с требованием признать эпизодом необходимой самообороны".жпг https://meduza.io/news/2018/01/26/v-nahodke-zhenschine-dali-sem-let-za-ubiystvo-muzha-on-izbival-ee-neskolko-let "В Находке прокуратура потребовала приговорить к семи годам колонии женщину, которая убила своего мужа, когда он в очередной раз избивал ее в их квартире. Об этом сообщила адвокат Елена Соловьева. Имя подсудимой — Галина Каторова. Она убила своего мужа Максима Каторова в марте 2017 года. Когда он в очередной раз начал избивать ее, она ударила его ножом. На теле убитого обнаружили множественные ранения. Максим Каторов избивал жену на протяжении нескольких лет. Они познакомились в 2009 году, официальный брак был заключен в 2013-м. Галина Каторова жаловалась в полицию на избиения, но затем мирилась с мужем и отзывала заявление."
#1YHS3T (0+2) / @o01eg / 2497 дней назад
https://www.facebook.com/michael.pojarsky/posts/1689273451130268 "Когда-то психолог Б.Ф. Скиннер засовывал голубей в специальный ящик, куда им периодически сыпали зерно. Голуби никак не могли повлиять на выдачу корма, но оказалось, что они запоминают действие, которое совершали перед тем, как зерно посыпалось в клетку, и пытаются его повторить, пребывая в (рефлекторной) уверенности, будто именно оно повлекло выдачу еды. Например, одни голуби махали крыльями, другие ходили кругами и т.д. Скиннер видел в этом основу и людского ритуального поведения. Каждое живое существо стремится ощущать контроль над окружающей реальностью. Когда люди занимаются, что называется, "виктимблеймингом" - они, слово те голуби, машут крыльями и стучат клювами об пол. Да, это, разумеется, в связи с историей убитой и изнасилованной студенткой ВШЭ, о которой пишут "самавиноваташлюха", "полуголаявинстаграмме", "довелапарняфрендзоной" и т.д. Настоящая мотивация здесь не жлобство и злость, а именно страх. Авторы таких сентенций просто пытаются убедить самих себя: если они будут соблюдать некие выдуманные ими правила (в инстаграмм только в хиджабе, не пить винишко, не заниматься сексом до свадьбы и т.д.) - с ними "такого" никогда не случится. С тем же успехом можно подносить козье молоко богам и духам ради уверенности, будто несчастья постигают лишь "безбожников" Аналогичное относится и к характеристикам убийцы - "псих", "патология", "маньяк" и т.д. Об этом все узнали лишь задним числом, после 22 января. А до того он был одним из многих миллионов людей, которые ходят к психотерапевту, чтобы ныть о неразделенных чувствах и тому подобном (и, если верить его письму, никогда в жизни никого не бил). Совет "держаться от таких подальше" ничуть не разумнее совета "быть скромнее в инстаграмме" - то же козье молоко. Многие ситуации можно предусмотреть, но тут явно не тот случай. Этот случай - "черный лебедь". Событие столь же маловероятное, сколь и катастрофическое. Совпало множество факторов: от психологических проблем до того факта, что в Москве конские цены на жилье, в результате чего многие вынуждены жить вместе, даже когда отношения совсем испортились. Однако множество людей живет в отношениях формата "все сложно с ...", множество людей ходит к терапевту и сидит на таблетках - в 99.999% случаев это не заканчивается убийством и изнасилованием трупа. С точки зрения статистики случившее непредсказуемо. Все остальное - просто ваш личный "ящик Скиннера"."
#XMHJQ3 (3+2) / @o01eg / 2499 дней назад
http://www.psypost.org/2018/01/psychedelic-mushrooms-reduce-authoritarianism-boost-nature-relatedness-experimental-study-suggests-50638 " Psychedelic mushrooms reduce authoritarianism and boost nature relatedness, experimental study suggests Psilocybin, the active compound in magic mushrooms, could make people feel more connected to nature and less likely to endorse authoritarian views, according to new research from the Psychedelic Research Group at Imperial College London. The new study, published in the journal Psychopharmacology, is the first to provide experimental evidence that psilocybin treatment can lead to lasting changes in these attitudes. Study authors Taylor Lyons and Robin L. Carhart-Harris write that “our findings tentatively raise the possibility that given in this way, psilocybin may produce sustained changes in outlook and political perspective, here in the direction of increased nature relatedness and decreased authoritarianism.”"
#AWF81Q (0+1) / @o01eg / 2499 дней назад
https://fee.org/articles/how-gun-free-campuses-victimize-women/ "How Gun-Free Campuses Victimize Women My college experience didn't go as planned: I was the victim of rape. It was something I thought could never happen to me. This was something that only happened to other people, something you see on "Law & Order: SVU." Instead of Detectives Benson and Stabler swooping in to save the day, I was left completely broken – replaying the events of that day over and over again in my mind wondering where I could have gone wrong. I was raised around guns and was taught about responsible gun ownership at a very young age. When I turned 21 years old and was legally able to carry a gun, I immediately felt safer. Nothing could harm me because my firearm was the great equalizer. There was one minor issue: my Second Amendment rights didn't exist on my college campus. I was naïve and believed what they told me during orientation: that there was no need to worry because campus police are only a phone call away. All was well until that fateful evening when I became another statistic. The details of that horrific event don't matter. What does matter is this: Research has shown that women aged 18-24 are three-to-four times more likely to be victims of sexual violence compared to women in general. Given my background, I would be lying if I said my sexual assault turned me from a gun-grabber to a Second Amendment advocate, but I did have one big realization. My rape made something very clear: My right to self-defense should not be up for debate. It does not matter if you are a bleeding-heart feminist who actively tries to fight against rape culture. It does not matter if you believe rape culture doesn't exist. It really doesn't even matter if you don't even believe my own account that I'm disclosing to you now. What does matter is that women deserve the right to choose how to defend themselves. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, there are 11.5 million females this fall on colleges and university campuses across the United States, compared to 8.9 million males. Women are clearly the majority of our college campuses, and yet we are not doing everything we can to empower them to defend themselves against possible harm. We must empower women and give them a choice: the choice to take their security into their own hands by legally carrying a concealed firearm on their public university campuses. I am a law-abiding citizen and have jumped through all the hoops required by the government to get my concealed carry permit. I have proven that I am competent with firearms and have taken the necessary safety class. I allowed for the government to run the mandatory background check on me. I even paid the $50 Virginia application fee. I'm allowed to protect myself in movie theaters, malls, and most other public places, but my right to self-defense is suddenly negated on most public university campuses. Why?.."
#BPCIDL (2+3) / @o01eg / 2500 дней назад
https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/3526755 "Американская частная космическая компания Rocket Lab успешно запустила ракету-носитель Electron с собственного космодрома в Новой Зеландии, сообщается в Twitter компании. Суперлегкая ракета-носитель Electron стала первой ракетой, отпечатанной на 3D-принтере. Ракета стартовала с полуострова Махия на северо-востоке Новой Зеландии в 14:43 (5:43 по московскому времени) и доставила на орбиту три спутника для коммерческих заказчиков. Один из спутников предназначается для компании Planet Lab, которая делает снимки Земли из космоса, два других — для компании Spire, которая собирает данные из космоса для отслеживания движения кораблей и прогноза погоды." > с собственного космодрома
#ZRMVX3 (0+1) / @o01eg / 2501 день назад
http://www.opennet.ru/opennews/art.shtml?num=47943 "Дополнительно можно отметить второй выпуск проекта DXVK, нацеленного на создание реализации DXGI и Direct3D 11 поверх API Vulkan для предоставления возможности запуска 3D-приложений в Linux при помощи Wine. Новая версия примечательна доведением поддержки D3D11 до возможности запуска игры NieR: Automata и обеспечением начальной поддержки тестовых наборов Unigine Heaven и Unigine Valley. Из пока отсутствующих возможностей упоминается поддержка тесселяции, потокового вывода и запросов через Queries API. После доведения проекта до полнофункционального состояния, DXVK сможет использоваться в качестве основанной на Vulkan альтернативы для предоставляемой в Wine реализации D3D11, работающей поверх OpenGL. При этом разработчиками Wine уже развивается собственный проект vkd3d по реализации Direct3D 12 поверх API Vulkan. "
#E6H4ZQ (2+1) / @o01eg / 2501 день назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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