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Теги: Клубы:

Очередная победа феминизма: https://stopgame.ru/newsdata/41377 "Список особенностей у игры лаконичный: • ни одного мужчины в игре (да, так и написано),"
#PAMEX6 (3+8) / @o01eg / 1888 дней назад
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/vim_announce/KPqcD9MYiMk/T11rMwO1AAAJ "Demo game --------- To show what is possible with popup windows (and because I sometimes get bored fixing bugs), I created a silly game. This uses popup windows that move across the display, text properties to highlight the animals and even sound to make it more fun! Thanks for my colleagues Greg, Martijn and Shannon for making the silly sounds. You can find it on github: https://github.com/vim/killersheep"
#IX5N6A (0+8) / @o01eg / 1913 дней назад
https://www.reddit.com/r/battletech/comments/aphcw1/new_to_tabletop_a_few_questions_from_a_newbie/ "I usually spend about an hour resolving one turn in a 4v4. I play a little faster than my opponent. We played 7 turns in 6 hours." Ну этот Баттлтек нафиг, Серп и то проще.
#VCFNXQ (0+8) / @o01eg / 1931 день назад
@Goren на заметку: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1044490/The_Expression_Amrilato/ "About This Game Yuri Visual Novel The Expression Amrilato is a girl-meets-girl yuri visual novel. This visual novel is for people who: Enjoy subtle love-like feelings between girls. Have an intellectual curiosity for learning. Just like watching cute girls having fun. Are willing to take in a touching story that will probably make you cry. [...] In-depth Alternate World Language In "The Expression Amrilato", the main character is lost in an alternate world where Juliamo (which in the real world is Esperanto, an existing constructed language) is the official spoken language. Therefore, while enjoying a story between cute girls, you can also learn language of Esperanto! The text in this game has been officially supervised by the National Esperanto Association in Japan. You additionally might be able to learn some Japanese through the Japanese version included in the package, and Chinese is planned for the future!"
#U0SNVR (0+8) / @o01eg / 1973 дня назад
Хотя понятно, что левацкий кикстартер забанит эту анти-фемофашистскую игру: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/williamdalebout/virtue-signal-the-game-of-social-justice https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2019/10/virtue-signal-the-game-pokes-fun-at-the-crazed-social-justice-activist-community/94358/ "William Dalebout’s Virtue Signal: The Game Of Social Justice is a tabletop card game about all the insanity, rule-changes, and virtue signaling nonsense of the radical Regressive Left. It lampoons the ridiculous and dangerously over-the-top nature of Liberal Progressivism, and it’s currently seeking funds on Kickstarter at the moment. The title sees players taking on the role of a SJW. The objective is to grow your followers and become more prominent. The basic gist is very similar to a game of dominoes., where you build up your line and attempt to be the first to have the largest following. However, other players will attempt to thwart your progress by throwing monkey wrenches in your growth by accusing you of having committed microaggressions. Microaggressions impede your progress towards follower growth, and sets you back."
#XZD0U2 (0+9) / @o01eg / 1981 день назад
Shoujo☆Kageki Revue Starlight The Gatchapon https://www.en.revuestarlight-relive.com/preregistration/
#8OZGTC (0+8) / @o01eg / 2163 дня назад
Бабло победит пуритано-sjwшное зло: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/990500595/subverse/ "Since the dawn of time, humankind has stared up at the cosmos with a mixture of trepidation and wonder. Turning our curious eyes toward the glittering stars speckled around our little blue planet, we have often asked ourselves the eternal question: Are we alone in this universe? What is out there? More importantly… can we bone it? That’s why we made Subverse - a tactical RPG/SHMUP hybrid that takes place in a fully explorable galaxy where you get to be the Captain of your very own ship...which is crewed by the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit. Oh, and you can also befriend a perpetually stoned imp mechanic with six testicles. Enter the Prodigium Galaxy – a place ruled by a by a bunch of puritanical, oppressive douchebags who pretty much hate anything sexy. Naturally, it’s up to you lead a covert revolution to overthrow these dickheads with your very own black ops squad of knockout waifus backed up by genetically engineered monsters and a top-secret stolen military fighter ship - all of which can be upgraded into an unstoppable force with loot and credits."
#UNUA9I (0+9) / @o01eg / 2175 дней назад
https://deadlockempire.github.io/ "Welcome to The Deadlock Empire, commander! The skills you need are your intelligence, cunning, perseverance and the will to test yourself against the intricacies of multi-threaded programming in the divine language of C#. Each challenge below is a computer program of two or more threads. You take the role of the Scheduler - and a cunning one! Your objective is to exploit flaws in the programs to make them crash or otherwise malfunction. For example, you might cause a deadlock to occur or you might schedule context switches in such a way that two threads enter the same critical section at the same time. Any action that disrupts the program this way counts as a victory for you. You are the Scheduler - you only have one tool at your disposal: the ability to switch contexts at any time, as the total master of time and interruptions. Let's hope it is enough... it has to be, because the Parallel Wizard's armies are upon us and only you can lead the Sequentialist armies into victory!"
#CZ3OKN (0+8) / @o01eg / 2184 дня назад
[x] Ready [x] Dedicated server [x] Auth [x] Reconnect 1. Timeout 2. Ruleset 3. No server i18n 4. Vote
#8ADRA9 (0+9) / @o01eg / 2192 дня назад
А чтобы мужчины (зачем феминисткам это?) обращали внимание на жирных небритых феминисток, феминистки банят изображения и видео нормальных красивых девушек: https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2019/02/evo-apologizes-cuts-off-stream-for-dead-or-alive-6s-mai-shinranui-ad-for-being-too-sexy/76991/ "EVO Apologizes And Cuts Off Dead Or Alive 6 Stream For Being Too Sexy During the EVO Japan live-stream on Twitch, Team Ninja and SNK announced a partnership to bring Mai Shiranui and another character from King of Fighters XIV to Dead or Alive 6. However, during the demonstration of Dead or Alive 6, EVO president Joey “Mr. Wizard” Cuellar had the stream shut down and apologized. You can view the clip below that was on before the stream got briefly shut down. It featured the two Japanese models goofing around in between the rounds when Dead or Alive 6 producer and director Yohei Shimbori was setting up a match. The clip included the girls jiggling their butts and boobs to mimic the soft body physics in Dead or Alive 6. Shortly after this Shimbori showcased the free-cam mode in the game, zooming in on the girls’ butts while they were wearing swimsuits, as well as showcasing Nyotengu in a rather compromising position. However, the act of flirty femininity featured throughout the stream along with the free-cam shenanigans was enough to make Joey “Mr. Wizard” Cuellar surly. The EVO head honcho thoroughly condemned the segment and recoiled at the act while apologizing to Social Justice Warriors after he had the stream temporarily shut down. In a now deleted tweet, he claimed that the promotional segment to introduce Mai Shiranui and showcase the free-cam in Dead or Alive 6 did not represent the FGC or EVO, to which plenty of people dropped into the comment section to renounce his apology, stating that he did not speak for the FGC."
#700IVZ (6+10) / @o01eg / 2211 дней назад
Нигде нет покоя от SJW: https://www.sankakucomplex.com/2018/12/14/western-azur-lane-players-now-denied-boob-jiggle/ "Western Azur Lane Players Now Denied Boob Jiggle Those playing the western version of Azur Lane have been disappointed to know that Graf Zeppelin‘s new “Beachside Urd” skin lacks the bounciness of the Japanese version, possibly the work of either a bug or perhaps Azur Lane are now censoring the game’s sexier aspects. The “Beachside Urd” skin became available after a recent round of maintenance, with a tweet from Azur Lane’s official Twitter even possessing a video explicitly showing off Graf Zeppelin’s bounciness in her new skin: Western players able to acquire the cute girl’s new skin discovered that her bounciness was not present: Booting up a Japanese version of the game, players found that the bounciness of the skin was still gloriously present: Whether the lack of bounce is the result of a glitch or working as intended will not be known until Azur Lane officially address it, if they do at all."
#UM1WAA (0+7) / @o01eg / 2273 дня назад
https://www.novayagazeta.ru/news/2018/10/26/146280-kommersant-kerchenskiy-strelok-interesovalsya-video-s-raschleneniem-lyudey "«На фон скриншота с экрана Doom он наложил изображения коридоров и помещений родного колледжа. Сейчас проводится экспертиза, которая должна установить, совершал ли Росляков убийства, руководствуясь именно этой схемой, найденной на флешке в его сумке», — говорится в публикации газеты. Следователи также предполагают, что именно через игру Doom Росляков мог быть связан с некими украинскими экстремистами, в переписке с которыми интересовался изготовлением бомб."
#KFBZMN (3+9) / @o01eg / 2325 дней назад
https://twitter.com/merr1k/status/1052861377205952512 "А знаете, как зовут игроков в доку 2? Докерами. А знаете, что у них на логотипе? Синий кит!"
#AFVCXO (0+8) / @o01eg / 2333 дня назад
Во всё виновата игра Doka 2 Literature Club!, в которой в декорациях школы люди убиваются изощрёнными способами.
#P8JBM9 (0+8) / @o01eg / 2333 дня назад
https://shazoo.ru/2018/07/13/67780/pervyj-v-mire-porno-kibersportivnyj-turnir-projdet-pri-podderzhke-youporn "Сайт Nutaku, набитый хентайными браузерными играми, пообещал провести первый в мире киберспортивный турнир по играм для взрослых. Это был вопрос времени — пока кто-то не решится соединить миры киберспорта и грудастых аниме-девочек вместе. Турнир будет проспонсирован YouPorn с призовым фондом $25000. Проходить будет среди 64 игроков в игре Tits 'n' Tanks. Больше подробностей и детали квалификации пока не сообщили, однако все участники также получат премиум-членство YouPorn. Что касается игры, то Tits 'n' Tanks — это по сути Android-версия World of Tanks, просто иногда попадаются голые аниме-девицы. Геймплей можно посмотреть ниже — к счастью, с цензурой."
#JIP6RF (2+8) / @o01eg / 2431 день назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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