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03:30:02 * | crd knows of maybe one person in the entire world who still uses sparc 03:30:49 martian67 | now that oracle owns it, that number is only gonna decrease 03:30:52 crd | oh, and they're here, plhk
#4LXUBM (0) / @plhk / 4290 дней назад
+ampharos | phlk for President of Russia. You need to either wrestle bears or drink enough vodka to use twm. +ampharos | *plhk for prez +ampharos | Also, must be a good authoritarian. You can't be loved unless you're like the incarnation of Peter or Uncle Joe. And shirtless photos. +ampharos | Make Haskell the national language of Russia. +ampharos | Imagine in textbooks: The main language families of Russia are Slavic, Turkic, Uralic, Mongolic, Eskimo-Aleut, and Functional. >you can't be loved >can't be loved >can't be ;_;
#FPJ0KM (0) / @plhk / 4291 день назад
Куда в ирц набигать?
#LH8NY6 (4+1) / @plhk / 4559 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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