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Add your own tool to this list If you have written a tool that you would like to see listed in this index, please send me a little xml file describing your tool. Below you find an example: <rrdworld type="companion|application|?????" icon="rumble.png" > <!-- Size 100x66 --> <name> Name of the Product </name> <author> Who Created it </author> <description> A short description of the tool. 300 char max. </description> <homepage> http://somesite.blabla.plac </homepage> <year> 2005 </year><month> 4 </month> <!-- Entry creation date --> <license> GPL </license> <!-- Optional --> <livesite> http://somesite.blabla.plac </livesite> <email> max@example.com </email> <!-- Author contact --> </rrdworld> ПИСЬМА НА ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСКИХ ЯЗЫКАХ НЕ НУЖНЫ ТОЛЬКО WELL-FORMED XML
#EDREFO (1+2) / @stiletto / 4792 дня назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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