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В Эстонии предлагают бороться с проституцией, наказывая покупателей секс-услуг

#6ERTDO (5+2) / @xenomorph / 3333 дня назад


Самую эффективную политическую акцию протеста провела Марічка Падалко, которая выгнала из дома одного из лидеров "Самопомощи" Егора Соболева из-за отказа фракции проголосовать за ряд законопроектов, принятия которых требует Евросоюз.
Змушений піти з дому через критику і тиск дружини на адресу Самопомочі.

Це сміх крізь сльози, але Маруся навіть заборонила мені запрошувати додому членів фракції, які не голосували за антидискримінаційні слова.

А я йду домовлятися з однопартійцями, щоб пустили в готель

#S5H6R7 (0+2) / @xenomorph / 3391 день назад

Позавчера разные тянки использовали меня для селфи. Казалось бы, при чем тут nap и матриархат?

#NRRGQZ (7+1) / @xenomorph / 3435 дней назад

Human sweat contains (R)/(S)-3-methyl-3-sulfanylhexan-1-ol (MSH), detectable at 2 parts per billion and having a fruity, onion-like odor. Women emit significantly more MSH than men.


#0WAZ16 (0+2) / @xenomorph / 3436 дней назад

Women are the majority in superior education.

Unmarried women without children in average make more money than unmarried men without children.

Women have quotas, affirmative action (basically, discrimination against men) programmes and all-women shortlists designed to get them an easy ride into high-earning jobs and leadership positions. Not to mention all the money-wasting programmes of getting women into STEM fields, even though they are not interested. And yet there are no quotas for getting women in the less fancy all male jobs like road maintenance, construction work, garbage disposal, pest control etc. Nobody cares about gender inequality there. Women usually complain about men always being in leading positions (because men are highly competitive by nature and WANT those positions) but they ignore all the men working in crappy, dangerous and hard jobs.

Women make up almost none of the workplace accidents, it's almost entirely men that get mangled or killed. Every work-hour a man loses his life on a construction site in the US.

Women live in average several years longer than men. Even though that was historically not the case, therefore it's not due to biology, but due to workplace stress and wear. Also they are allowed to retire earlier.

Women are only a small percentage of the homeless people. Homelessness disproportionately affects men.

It's socially acceptable for women to be stay-at-home parents. Not so much for men, even though we'd like to. And then when we spend too much time working in order to put food on the table so that the family can thrive, we get shit on for not spending enough time with the family, and not being "loving" enough even though it's obvious you can't be in two places at the same time.

Women get default custody in a divorce, unless they are proven to be an unfit parent.

Women are the primary recipients of alimony (read: leeching off money from their ex-husband for personal reasons, the historical reasons for alimony are irrelevant in a culture with equal opportunity to work) .

Women aren't subject to the draft. If war breaks out, guess what gender is going to die in greater numbers! Yay for male privilege of being forced to fight and be killed in a war we never really had anything to do with.

Women have shelters for victims of domestic violence everywhere, men have only a handful of them in the entire world, in spite of being almost as likely to be a victim of domestic violence. In fact women instigate most of the violence, hitting first in about 70% of the cases (but usually getting their asses handed to them, because men have more upper body strength due to biological differences). See Erin Pizzey's work in this field.

Women have the law on their side. They can get a restraining order against any man at any time with just one phonecall and kick a guy out of his own home. They are also automatically assumed to be the victim, even if they are the aggressor (Duluth domestic violence model).

Furthermore social experiments have shown that men will usually
interfere when a man beats a woman in the public. But no man and no woman even lifted a damn finger when a woman beat a man in public.

Women have the right to corporal integrity. Female genital mutilation is banned in most, if not all, western countries. Men don't . Young baby boys get their genitals mutilated on a daily basis in a disgusting practice called "circumcision".

Women have a wide assortment of contraceptives to their disposal. All kinds of pills and devices. Men don't have a commercially available male pill, even though there are functional prototypes, and feminists are strongly opposing our right to contraceptives (why?). We only have the condom and that's it.

Women have the right to an abortion. They can not be mothers if they wish to do so. Men don't have an equivalent. We can't choose to not be a father. In this case I'm referring to financial abortion, because it's generally irrelevant if the woman decides to carry the pregnancy to term or not.

Women have the educational system tailored towards their needs. Boys are not only lagging behind with their grades and lacking male role models in education (this is actually very important) but they are overdiagnosed with ADHD and crap like that, and medicated (Ritalin etc) just to stay quiet in class, in spite of boys having a more active, hands-on, rowdy approach to learning by default.

Men's spaces are encroached upon and destroyed in our culture, while female spaces are just ok. You can't have "no girls allowed" anymore without risking a lawsuit and "boys' club" is almost a pejorative term. Even though it's a necessity for men to have their own space and interact freely with other men as they would not in the presence of a female person.

Criminal women get sentenced less often and get less jail time than men, even if the circumstances of the crime are identical. And not only that, but we have feminist proposals to abolish women's prisons.

Female pedophiles abusing boys will get less media and societal condemnation than male pedophiles abusing girls... in spite of it being scientifically proven that a vicious abuse cycle is more likely in boys abused by females, than all other cases. Not only that, but there have been cases in the media where female on male child abuse was referred to as "relationship" and the child called "lucky to be able to screw his female teacher". Also this is why we don't have many much-needed male teachers, they are afraid of being called a pedo and have their lives ruined if some twat has a grudge.

Women keep complaining about feeling unsafe on the streets, even though it's MEN who are more likely to get assaulted, mugged, beaten, shot in the streets.

Women have rape issues addressed quickly, and even blown out of proportion by several orders of magnitude. Men's silent rape epidemic in prison almost never gets talked about.

Drunk men are always assumed to be abusers, drunk women have always the benefit of being allowed to claim victim status. False rape accusations are rampant (see the study on the US airforce base about signs of false accusations, applying the model to all accusations, up to 60% of rape claims might be bogus).

Women can get their tits out in "slutwalks" and call it empowering. Men getting their cock out to take a whiz in a bush is grounds for arrest for indecent exposure.

Women have a monopoly on gender academic studies. You usually can't discuss male gender issues outside the academic feminist framework, and even just saying that you are a non-feminist or god-forbid anti-feminist is grounds for having your reputation ruined, being quotemined for the worst they can come up with (see the protests of ex-feminist Warren Farrel) and of course being protested.

Even just "being male" is being demonized nowadays (every time you hear feminists saying "toxic masculinity"). And I've met quite a few idiots who think that the world would be better off if men just acted "less male" (never mind it was the same maleness that advanced civilization and achieved our current industrial and technological development).

Do I even need to continue?

We men have a minority status. Not only in numbers, but also as far as our gender identity and human rights go.

Women, check your fucking privilege.

via #RHPFG1

#3O33C4 (32+3) / @xenomorph / 3468 дней назад

And there is no group more vulnerable to those kinds of manipulations than young men. I've heard it said that the most dangerous animal on the planet is the adolescent male. And so in a gathering where we're focused on women, while it is so critical that we invest in our girls and we even the playing field and we find ways to honor them, we have to remember that the girls and the women are most isolated and violated and victimized and made invisible in those very societies where our men and our boys feel disempowered, unable to provide. And that, when they sit on those street corners and all they can think of in the future is no job, no education, no possibility, well then it's easy to understand how the greatest source of status can come from a uniform and a gun.

#XDSWM2 (0) / @xenomorph / 3654 дня назад


Female deer doing what all females throughout the animal kingdom love doing, hurting males.

#BDBTHN (0) / @xenomorph / 3720 дней назад

читаю тут статейку о предпринимателе. сначала устроил к себе дочуру. теперь нервничает. что та уйдет в декретный отпуск. ВИН!


#4L42CQ (0) / @xenomorph / 3721 день назад

Если ты думаешь что сильный и быстрый — начни заниматься у тренера, и даже распоследняя девка (на самом деле первая, но бугурт от этого не меньше) будет бить тебя по всем параметрам.

#8CO2MQ (5) / @xenomorph / 3809 дней назад

Прислал петро:

вот мы были малые - лазили по фонтанам, бегали, на лесопетах гонялись
ну пацаны
а щяс всё это тоже делается детьми
только вот не пацанами, а ДЕВКАМИ

#ZTN97V (12) / @xenomorph / 3922 дня назад

Испанская блядь, удостоенная чести стать Королевой Франции, переспала с англичанином, за что подарила ему подарок мужа. Далее к англичанину послали местную, уже клеймёную блядь, чтобы та срезала брюлики с его одежды, что реально можно сделать, только переночевав с ним. Третья блядь уговаривает своего любовника исправить ситуацию. И куча мужиков начинают мочить друг друга из-за этой блядской ситуации. Надо переименовать фильм в "Три бляди и лох-Д'Артаньян"

#LNKMMS (8+1) / @xenomorph / 3930 дней назад

Очередная жертва матриархата:

#WIADST (5) / @xenomorph / 4051 день назад


#DAH0C9 (3) / @xenomorph / 4099 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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