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Mu (Japanese)

The answer (to a question) indicating that the question itself must be "unasked" because the question or its premise (that a dualistic answer can or will be given) is fundamentally flawed.

Paraphrasing from the book "The Most Human Human" (Brian Christian):
A Zen parable goes like this. "Does a dog have a Buddha-nature, or does it not?" asks a student, and the master replies, "Mu"–meaning something like "All answers to this question are false." Or: "Your question is, itself, false". You can think of mu as a kind of "meta-no", an "unasking" of the question, or even as a kind of "runtime exception".

Another famous example is the following loaded question, "Do you still beat your wife?" A question like this, asked, say, of a nonviolent unmarried heterosexual woman, is off at so many levels that it's basically unanswerable, requiring a huge backpedal and clarification of presumptions. Or you answer with "Mu".

Рекомендовали: @partizan @polecat
#6P5FCX / @ulidtko / 3720 дней назад

кароч походу реальный прикол http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/無#Japanese
#6P5FCX/QMG / @ulidtko / 3720 дней назад
удобно // лаконично
#6P5FCX/U9K / @fix / 3720 дней назад
и шо типо надо мычать вместо ответа?
#6P5FCX/O41 / @gds / 3720 дней назад
@gds угу
#6P5FCX/Z75 / @fix --> #6P5FCX/O41 / 3720 дней назад
@fix мм..
#6P5FCX/JL5 / @gds --> #6P5FCX/Z75 / 3720 дней назад
@gds ну сорта
#6P5FCX/4G0 / @ulidtko --> #6P5FCX/O41 / 3720 дней назад
@gds **это не ответ!**
#6P5FCX/HCN / @ulidtko --> #6P5FCX/JL5 / 3720 дней назад
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