Ш̴̴̜̥͍͕̼̙̱͙͎͍̘̀̐̔́̾̃͒̈̔̎́́͜р̧̛̺͖͖̯̖ͧͤ͋̅̽ͧ̈̐̽̆̐͋ͤͦͬ͛̃̑͞͞и̒ͥͤͯ͂ͣ̐̉̑ͫ̉̑҉̛͏̸̻͕͇͚̤͕̯̱̳͉ͅф̴̴̡̟̞͙̙̻͍̦͔̤̞̔̓́̍͗̚͢͞ͅт̨̐ͫ̂͊̄̃ͥͪ͏̫̺͍̞̼͈̩̥̜͔͜͜ы̸̴̱̺̼̠̦͍͍͍̱̖͔̖̱͉̅͑͌͒ͫ͒̀ͥ͐ͤ̅͘̕.̵̴̡̭̼̮͖͈̙͖͖̲̮̬͍͙̼̯̦̮̮ͦ̆̀̑̌ͮͧͣͯ̔̂́͟г͌ͮ̏̈͂ͯ̚҉̛̙̬̘̲̗͇͕̠̙͙̼̩͚̀͘͞ͅо̷̥̯̘̓ͤ̽͒̋̉̀̂̄̒̓̊ͨ͛́̌ͤ̂̀͠в̶̒͒̓̏̓̚҉̛̙̘̺̰̮̼̟̼̥̟̘̠̜͜н̸̷̸̲̝͈͙̰̟̻̟̰̜̟̗͎̻̻͍̿̔̃ͨ͑о̔̀̋ͫ̇̿̐ͫ͌͗ͩ҉̨̜̙̙͈͍̮̮̼̙̘̞̕͜͡ Войти !bnw Сегодня Клубы
xmonad выел 429МБ рамки меньше чем за два дня работы. Не юзайте ghc-8, там спид.
Рекомендовали: @komar
#FZNZ2I / @l29ah / 3067 дней назад

моча съела говно
#FZNZ2I/POE / @figli / 3067 дней назад
А там какие-нибудь настройки GC регулируются?
#FZNZ2I/SON / @j123123 / 3067 дней назад
@j123123 Дохуя регулируется но я не знаю как они помогут.
#FZNZ2I/R7I / @l29ah --> #FZNZ2I/SON / 3067 дней назад
@l29ah ‰ xmonad +RTS --help xmonad: unknown RTS option: --help xmonad: xmonad: Usage: <prog> <args> [+RTS <rtsopts> | -RTS <args>] ... --RTS <args> xmonad: xmonad: +RTS Indicates run time system options follow xmonad: -RTS Indicates program arguments follow xmonad: --RTS Indicates that ALL subsequent arguments will be given to the xmonad: program (including any of these RTS flags) xmonad: xmonad: The following run time system options are available: xmonad: xmonad: -? Prints this message and exits; the program is not executed xmonad: --info Print information about the RTS used by this program xmonad: xmonad: -K<size> Sets the maximum stack size (default: 80% of the heap) xmonad: Egs: -K32k -K512k -K8M xmonad: -ki<size> Sets the initial thread stack size (default 1k) Egs: -ki4k -ki2m xmonad: -kc<size> Sets the stack chunk size (default 32k) xmonad: -kb<size> Sets the stack chunk buffer size (default 1k) xmonad: xmonad: -A<size> Sets the minimum allocation area size (default 512k) Egs: -A1m -A10k xmonad: -n<size> Allocation area chunk size (0 = disabled, default: 0) xmonad: -O<size> Sets the minimum size of the old generation (default 1M) xmonad: -M<size> Sets the maximum heap size (default unlimited) Egs: -M256k -M1G xmonad: -H<size> Sets the minimum heap size (default 0M) Egs: -H24m -H1G xmonad: -m<n> Minimum % of heap which must be available (default 3%) xmonad: -G<n> Number of generations (default: 2) xmonad: -c<n> Use in-place compaction instead of copying in the oldest generation xmonad: when live data is at least <n>% of the maximum heap size set with xmonad: -M (default: 30%) xmonad: -c Use in-place compaction for all oldest generation collections xmonad: (the default is to use copying) xmonad: -w Use mark-region for the oldest generation (experimental) xmonad: xmonad: -T Collect GC statistics (useful for in-program statistics access) xmonad: -t[<file>] One-line GC statistics (if <file> omitted, uses stderr) xmonad: -s[<file>] Summary GC statistics (if <file> omitted, uses stderr) xmonad: -S[<file>] Detailed GC statistics (if <file> omitted, uses stderr) xmonad: xmonad: xmonad: -Z Don&#39;t squeeze out update frames on stack overflow xmonad: -B Sound the bell at the start of each garbage collection xmonad: xmonad: -h Heap residency profile (output file <program>.hp) xmonad: -i<sec> Time between heap profile samples (seconds, default: 0.1) xmonad: xmonad: -C<secs> Context-switch interval in seconds. xmonad: 0 or no argument means switch as often as possible. xmonad: Default: 0.02 sec. xmonad: -V<secs> Master tick interval in seconds (0 == disable timer). xmonad: This sets the resolution for -C and the heap profile timer -i, xmonad: and is the frequence of time profile samples. xmonad: Default: 0.01 sec. xmonad: xmonad: --install-signal-handlers=<yes|no> xmonad: Install signal handlers (default: yes) xmonad: -xm Base address to mmap memory in the GHCi linker xmonad: (hex; must be <80000000) xmonad: -xq The allocation limit given to a thread after it receives xmonad: an AllocationLimitExceeded exception. (default: 100k) xmonad: xmonad: RTS options may also be specified using the GHCRTS environment variable. xmonad: xmonad: Other RTS options may be available for programs compiled a different way. xmonad: The GHC User&#39;s Guide has full details. xmonad:
#FZNZ2I/R5B / @l29ah --> #FZNZ2I/R7I / 3067 дней назад
Лолблядь. Кококо хаскел, кококо безопасно.
#FZNZ2I/7NK / @je / 3067 дней назад
бля пиздос хорошо что мне доебанорабы xmonad собирают с протухшим ghc
#FZNZ2I/PNK / @komar / 3067 дней назад
Выловил на #ghc чувака, у которого он 2,5ГБ выжрал.
#FZNZ2I/N7C / @l29ah / 3067 дней назад
@l29ah потрахайтесь теперь
#FZNZ2I/4VA / @figli --> #FZNZ2I/N7C / 3067 дней назад
@je причём тут безопасность, маня?
#FZNZ2I/C61 / @anonymous --> #FZNZ2I/7NK / 3067 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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