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Рекомендовали: @stiletto @j123123 @krkm
#JLHHT0 / @postman / 3167 дней назад

>2016 >не p2p
#JLHHT0/VE5 / @mugi / 3167 дней назад

@mugi Сколько раз на дню сообщаешь всем свой айпишник?

#JLHHT0/5BJ / @postman --> #JLHHT0/VE5 / 3167 дней назад
@postman 100500
#JLHHT0/X1S / @mugi --> #JLHHT0/5BJ / 3167 дней назад
Это трап какой-то очередной?
#JLHHT0/DET / @j123123 / 3166 дней назад
@j123123 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justine_Tunney Да, так и есть >Transgender and transsexual women
#JLHHT0/FMZ / @j123123 --> #JLHHT0/DET / 3166 дней назад

@j123123 Tunney is a prolific[10] blogger and Twitter user who often writes about political topics on Twitter, on her personal blogs, and on other websites.

Her political writing is sometimes controversial or extreme - to such a degree that the Daily Dot,[10] Vice[14] and various Twitter users, have speculated that she might be trolling, or performing online performance art, and might not be expressing sincerely-held views. The Daily Dot cited Tunney saying that "free speech rights should only be respected for techies", and not for progressives (which ignores the fact that some technologists are also political progressives) and "Hopefully, I'll live to see a day when all the muckraking progressive reporters/bloggers are sent to prisons".[10]

Tunney has characterised some of her activities as "trolling" multiple times since March 2014. In response to a question put to her on Ask.fm in regards to the asker's suspicion that Tunney was trying to "deliberately piss off liberals", Tunney wrote an answer that included the sentence "My favorite tactic for trolling progressives, is simply to not use their newspeak."[2] Tunney has also said that "Trolling is the only way to get away with saying certain things under the current regime".[15]

Tunney has said that she is "an entirely different person offline".[10]

Ле американский вербицкий.

#JLHHT0/HGY / @goren --> #JLHHT0/FMZ / 3166 дней назад

I think formalizing old school open source hacker values is a good thing. Why? Because our values are the best. Seriously. We have good reason to be proud of ourselves as engineers. We invented the first international, colorblind, post-monetary, and meritocratic society in all of human history. No other culture has ever come close to achieving even one of those things. But hackers on the Internet did it all at once. Because that's just what happens when software engineers who do the work are the ones in charge.
That's why I don't take the political agitators very seriously. Or the engineers who are genuinely fooled into advocating against their own interests. What gives outsiders the right to condemn our culture? They tell us that we need to change our culture on their terms. It's because cockroaches hate the light. If they were actually wise, they would be learning from us instead.

Всё-таки она классная. Я бы её выебал, похуй, что трап.

#JLHHT0/YYE / @goren / 3166 дней назад
@goren Да не, вряд ли. Вон, про МАТРИАРХАТ что-то пишет http://justinetunney.com/matriarchy.html
#JLHHT0/N18 / @j123123 --> #JLHHT0/YYE / 3166 дней назад
@j123123 Хотя вот мне не вполне понятно, почему трапам должен нравиться матриархат. Я б еще понял какой-нибудь там трансфеминизм, или трансанархофеминизм...
#JLHHT0/E1R / @j123123 --> #JLHHT0/N18 / 3166 дней назад

@j123123 всё правильно пишет, очень похоже на то, к чему призывают всякие феминаци, только более откровенно

#JLHHT0/S0C / @goren --> #JLHHT0/N18 / 3166 дней назад

@j123123 Так ей и не нравится, это зеркалка же.

#JLHHT0/OVA / @goren --> #JLHHT0/E1R / 3166 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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