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Conway's Game of Life - simulated using Conway's Game of Life!
YO DAWG https://i.imgur.com/R5jLjYT.jpg

Рекомендовали: @anarchy @goren @o01eg
#O8T5XT / @j123123 / 3802 дня назад

>This should be shown to every kid in math class. When I was in school math was just endless repetitive assignments. Fractals...this, higher dimensions, why the hell don't they show how cool math is?? Or that EVERYTHING is math? If I had known perhaps I would have not dropped out and got my ged. I actually had an experience with lsd that opened my eyes to that, it was like seeing the numbers in the matrix. My point is that a single lsd experience taught me more in 12 hours than 13 years of school. >You can take that as lsd being powerful or the education system being weak. In truth its a mix of both, remember that mushrooms and ayhuasca were used extensively before technology without problems, I truly believe they helped mankind have certain breakthroughs. Its only recently that they have become taboo, initially they were treated with respect, now they are abused with the intention of tripping face rather than a tool to learn or heal. I blame opium and cocaine, now they are all lumped together as drugs. Sad, ibogaine is a schedule 1 like heroin simply because it causes visions, yet nobody has ever been addicted to it and it CURES addiction overnight. Technology wise we are advancing, mentally were going backwards. 
#O8T5XT/I3Q / @goren / 3802 дня назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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