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to pooh-pooh

#HKBW95 (1) / @xenomorph / 3703 дня назад
мать раздела ребенка - mother of the child in this section отец раздел ребенка - father of the child section он раздел ребенка - it is separated child у нее складная фигура - Folding her figure я всё смету на своём пути - I'm an estimate on its way что было мочи - that had urine
#HNYKDE (1) / @svtk / 3703 дня назад


#CK10G5 (0) / @ckorzhik / 3744 дня назад

Внезапный ансаб: http://subscene.com/subtitles/rwby-second-season

#6WO4B8 (0) / @o01eg / 3754 дня назад

Методички хамасовцев: http://www.memri.org/report/en/0/0/0/0/0/0/8076.htm
Following are excerpts from the guidelines:
"Anyone killed or martyred is to be called a civilian from Gaza or Palestine, before we talk about his status in jihad or his military rank. Don't forget to always add 'innocent civilian' or 'innocent citizen' in your description of those killed in Israeli attacks on Gaza.
"Begin [your reports of] news of resistance actions with the phrase 'In response to the cruel Israeli attack,' and conclude with the phrase 'This many people have been martyred since Israel launched its aggression against Gaza.' Be sure to always perpetuate the principle of 'the role of the occupation is attack, and we in Palestine are fulfilling [the role of] the reaction.'
"Beware of spreading rumors from Israeli spokesmen, particularly those that harm the home front. Be wary regarding accepting the occupation's version [of events]. You must always cast doubts on this [version], disprove it, and treat it as false.
"Avoid publishing pictures of rockets fired into Israel from [Gaza] city centers. This [would] provide a pretext for attacking residential areas in the Gaza Strip. Do not publish or share photos or video clips showing rocket launching sites or the movement of resistance [forces] in Gaza.
"To the administrators of news pages on Facebook: Do not publish close-ups of masked men with heavy weapons, so that your page will not be shut down [by Facebook] on the claim that you are inciting violence. In your coverage, be sure that you say: 'The locally manufactured shells fired by the resistance are a natural response to the Israeli occupation that deliberately fires rockets against civilians in the West Bank and Gaza'..."
Additionally, the interior ministry prepared a series of suggestions specifically for Palestinian activists who speak to Westerners via social media. The ministry emphasizes that conversations with them should be conducted differently from conversations with other Arabs. It stated:
"When speaking to the West, you must use political, rational, and persuasive discourse, and avoid emotional discourse aimed at begging for sympathy. There are elements with a conscience in the world; you must maintain contact with them and activate them for the benefit of Palestine. Their role is to shame the occupation and expose its violations.
"Avoid entering into a political argument with a Westerner aimed at convincing him that the Holocaust is a lie and deceit; instead, equate it with Israel's crimes against Palestinian civilians.
"The narrative of life vs. the narrative of blood: [When speaking] to an Arab friend, start with the number of martyrs. [But when speaking] to a Western friend, start with the number of wounded and dead. Be sure to humanize the Palestinian suffering. Try to paint a picture of the suffering of the civilians in Gaza and the West Bank during the occupation's operations and its bombings of cities and villages.
"Do not publish photos of military commanders. Do not mention their names in public, and do not praise their achievements in conversations with foreign friends!"

#0I4V9F (1) / @o01eg / 3763 дня назад

Обыватели пользуются словом «exponentially» вместо «greatly», «rapidly» и прочих похожих. Меня от этого аж коробит, у меня случается приступ высокомерия: я представляю себе людишек, которые тупо в шоке от силы математики, которые после арифметики ничего так и не осилили, а теперь взяли крутое слово и используют его в повседневной речи (смысл не изменили, что странно). Фу.

#7NPWH7 (1) / @minoru / 3783 дня назад

"A man is smoking a cigarette and blowing smoke rings into the air. His girlfriend becomes irritated with the smoke and says, “Can’t you see the warning on the cigarette pack? Smoking is hazardous to your health!”

To which the man replies, “I am a programmer. We don’t worry about warnings; we only worry about errors.”"

#2YU9BB (1+1) / @o01eg / 3794 дня назад

а я всегда думал, что это я идиот

#AZLZD1 (6) / @stiletto / 3795 дней назад

«nephew — сын давшего обет безбрачия священника». умеют же люди фэйлить

#DKJZ2I (3) / @hirthwork / 3800 дней назад


“naïve” is now the more usual spelling, although “naive” is unidiomatic rather than incorrect

#XR9DCB (1) / @fix / 3806 дней назад

В этом треде все рассказывают своё понимание слова "swag" человеку, который прочитал три страницы urbandictionary о нём, википедию и немного погуглил.

#9U61IN (21) / @stiletto / 3841 день назад

http://ru.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=bloody%20hell Бнвач, первый образовательный.

#BUF64O (1) / @krt3k / 3853 дня назад

Аниме убивает: http://www.sankakucomplex.com/2014/04/20/a-1-pictures-killed-animator-with-600-hour-month/
Police have confirmed that A-1 Pictures worked one of their animators to death, ruling that being made to work hundreds of hours of overtime a month drove him to suicide.
The case centres on a man, 28 at the time of his death in 2010, employed on as a full-time animator at A-1 Pictures from 2006 to the end of 2009.
In 2010 the man quit his job after suffering severe depression, having been denied a transfer after his health collapsed, and later in the year committed suicide, prompting his bereaved family to retain a lawyer and pursue his former employer as being directly liable in a case of “karoushi” – death through overwork.
For some reason A-1 Pictures kept no record of the hours employees actually worked, but hospital records included the revelation that he “worked 600 hours in a month,” and Shinjuku police in charge of enforcing labour regulations confirmed that in the months prior to his diagnosis with depression he worked over 100 hours of overtime each month.
The family’s lawyer claims the reality was significantly worse, saying online posts he left suggest he started suffering from depression in 2008 and had to work from 134 to 344 hours of overtime in the months leading up to his departure."

#YELWHB (0) / @o01eg / 3862 дня назад

http://i.stack.imgur.com/NXMIZ.png source

#XN2X9U (5+1) / @fix / 3886 дней назад

Concurrency (одновременность)

Хотя порою кажется, что уж лучше использовать кривые кальки.

#VTKGV4 (2) / @fix / 3888 дней назад

*english https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1868020927/akiba-anime-art-managize-vol00-otaku-pop-culture-s/posts/782020
"Every copy of physical version of AAA magazine has special trading cards and you can play the great strategic game with several cards. (the upcoming issues also include this card series. Every issue has 9 or more different cards, every copy comes with 3 of them) So if you already have several copies of physical version of AAA magazine, now you need rule book. Sorry and unfortunately, we now only have Japanese version of the rule book. Since our English translating partners are not a fan of game, they are not sure if their translation is fine. Thus, Today we need your "GAME GEEKs" help to translate it to English version!
Are there any Game Geek volunteers for this translation work!? (Please contact us, if you can.)"

#7WIASQ (0) / @o01eg / 3894 дня назад

Это интересно, но подкаст "The male brain, the female brain" от 7го марта был удалён и заменён 12го марта подкастом "Cinema etiquette" http://www.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/series/6min Гугл ещё помнит, но скачать просто негде.

#RAVNGC (0) / @o01eg / 3900 дней назад

Куда (в какие конфы/ирц-каналы/чаты етц ) лучше набигать, чтобы прокачать навыки реалтаймового текстового общения на английском, при этом не особо раздражая людей фразами, которые бы для native speaker выглядели как "ебал ее рука" ?

#V6HHTI (5+1) / @j123123 / 3902 дня назад

Лайк, если переводишь "Echo From The Abyss" как "Голос со стороны параши".

#7NJ6V5 (1) / @ninesigns / 3935 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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