Someone out there pulled a great trick and convinced the world that security was a cool business. Someone is pulling even greater tricks and makes money out of his ignorance living on others slightly bigger ignorance.
из #9D5NT6
There was a knock on the door.
It was the meat. I let it in.
Something freshly slaughtered
Dragged itself into the hall.
Into the living-room it crawled.
I followed. Though headless,
It headed for the kitchen
As if following a scent.
Straight to the oven it went
And lay there. Oozing softly to itself.
Though moved, I moved inside
And opened wide the door.
I switched to Gas Mark Four.
Set the timer. And grasping
The visitor by a stump
Humped it home and dry.
Did I detect a gentle sigh?
A thank you? The thought that I
Had helped a thing in need
Cheered me as I turned up the heat.
Two hours later the bell rang.
It was the meat.
© Roger McGough
Я слово длинное с нерусским окончаньем
нашел нечаянно в рассказе для детей,
и отвернулся я со странным содроганьем.
В том слове был извив неведомых страстей:
рычанье, вопли, свист, нелепые виденья,
стеклянные глаза убитых лошадей,
кривые улицы, зловещие строенья,
кровавый человек, лежащий на земле,
и чьих-то жадных рук звериные движенья…
А некогда читать так сладко было мне
о зайчиках смешных со свинками морскими,
танцующих на пнях весною, при луне!
Но слово грозное над сказками моими
как пронеслось! Нет прежней простоты:
и мысли страшные ночами роковыми
шуршат, как старые газетные листы!
Basically, the Earth is doing the biggest, slowest pole dance ever around the Russian flag.