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Что нынче по НЖМД на 750 ГБ..1 ТБ?
#LQYACS (30+10) / @o01eg / 1947 дней назад
Сборы на PowerPC ноутбук: https://www.powerpc-notebook.org/campaigns/electrical-schematics-notebook-powerpc-motherboard-donation-campaign/ "We really want to make it happen: a PowerPC notebook released as Open Source. This first phase will achieve the identification and design of all aspects of the motherboard thanks to a contracted professional electronic engineer. We really want to make it happen: a PowerPC notebook released as Open Source. To achieve this goal a series of tasks must be performed, such as designing a custom motherboard that would fit into an existing mainstream notebook chassis. Since October 2014, when the project was launched, the number of people showing interest had been steadily increasing, and we are now quite a few experience volunteers, some of whom are able to contribute in reviewing and checking aspects of the required electronic design. Unfortunately, after all this years we are stuck, because of the lack of either spare time, or engineer capabilities and professional skills. In order to solve the situation, in 2016 we approached the Italian firm ACube Systems a company that have some experience in designing PowerPC motherboards. We were lucky, as we found a group of passionate people that shared the long-term advantages of the Open Hardware philosophy, and their prior experience in designing a variety of PowerPC motherboards makes them an ideal choice as a partner. Together with ACube we will be able to get the electronic design done, but a professional electronic designer has to be paid. At this point the group involved in the project decided to get serious and launch a fundraising campaign to pay for the required job."
#QELA47 (3+2) / @o01eg / 2662 дня назад
? hw
Как понять по бинарнику, для какой архитектуры он был собран: be/le, hardfloat/softfloat? $ file sh sh: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, MIPS, MIPS32 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-uClibc.so.0, stripped
#CBGGVZ (4) / @o01eg / 2903 дня назад
Посоветуйте бесперебойник с USB и поддержкой линукса.
#WNELDI (4) / @o01eg / 3036 дней назад
! hw
Так, похоже я определился с выбором Intel Core i7-6700[K] в место процессора.
#N7G0WV (4) / @o01eg / 3048 дней назад
Посоветуйте материнку с DDR4 и возможностью записи своих ключей в UEFI.
#8Z3USJ (2+2) / @o01eg / 3051 день назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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