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Хотя понятно, что левацкий кикстартер забанит эту анти-фемофашистскую игру: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/williamdalebout/virtue-signal-the-game-of-social-justice https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2019/10/virtue-signal-the-game-pokes-fun-at-the-crazed-social-justice-activist-community/94358/ "William Dalebout’s Virtue Signal: The Game Of Social Justice is a tabletop card game about all the insanity, rule-changes, and virtue signaling nonsense of the radical Regressive Left. It lampoons the ridiculous and dangerously over-the-top nature of Liberal Progressivism, and it’s currently seeking funds on Kickstarter at the moment. The title sees players taking on the role of a SJW. The objective is to grow your followers and become more prominent. The basic gist is very similar to a game of dominoes., where you build up your line and attempt to be the first to have the largest following. However, other players will attempt to thwart your progress by throwing monkey wrenches in your growth by accusing you of having committed microaggressions. Microaggressions impede your progress towards follower growth, and sets you back."
#XZD0U2 (0+9) / @o01eg / 1982 дня назад
https://planeta.ru/campaigns/miednoje/about "Книга памяти «Медное» Издание книги памяти польских военнопленных, расстрелянных НКВД в 1940 году и захороненных в Медном. Издание второй книги Общества «Мемориал», посвященной жертвам катынского преступления «Убиты в Калинине, захоронены в Медном. Книга памяти польских военнопленных, содержавшихся в Осташковском лагере НКВД СССР, расстрелянных по решению Политбюро ЦК ВКП(б) от 5 марта 1940 г.». В книге впервые на русском языке будут опубликованы биографические справки о 6295 польских узниках, содержавшихся с осени 1939 г. в Осташковском лагере НКВД для военнопленных (в зданиях монастыря Нилова Пустынь на острове Столбный на озере Селигер), расстрелянных в апреле-мае 1940 г. в областном управлении НКВД в Калинине (ныне Тверь) и захороненных вблизи села Медное в 30 км от Калинина. В то же самое время по тому же решению Политбюро ЦК ВКП(б) были расстреляны польские военнопленные из двух других лагерей НКВД – Козельского (4415 человек захоронены в Катынском лесу, им посвящена наша первая книга памяти «Убиты в Катыни…») и Старобельского лагеря (3800 человек захоронены в Харькове), а также более 7 тысяч заключенных тюрем Западной Украины и Западной Белоруссии. Символом всех этих расстрелов стала Катынь, остававшаяся до 1990 г. единственным доподлинно известным местом захоронения польских военнопленных. Наше государство признало катынское злодеяние одним из тяжких преступлений сталинизма, но до сих пор не признало ни одного из расстрелянных, поименно значащихся в документах НКВД, жертвой этого преступления. Государство стремится представить всех убитых анонимной массой безымянных жертв. Цель книги – показать, что люди не анонимы, отдать долг памяти поименно каждому расстрелянному, павшему жертвой катынского преступления, совершенного Советским Союзом. В нашей книге будут впервые опубликованы документальные материалы эксгумаций, проведенных в 1991 и 1995 гг. советской Главной военной прокуратурой и польскими специалистами, в результате которых вблизи Медного были обнаружены и исследованы массовые захоронения расстрелянных польских военнопленных, установлено время их расстрела в 1940 г. Также в книге впервые на русском языке будут опубликованы показания Дмитрия Токарева, бывшего в 1938-1943 гг. начальником Управления НКВД СССР по Калининской области, которое под руководством командированных из Москвы чекистов проводило расстрелы польских военнопленных. Токарев в 1991 году сообщил следствию советской Главной военной прокуратуры важные сведения об операции по расстрелу польских военнопленных из Осташковского лагеря, в частности, он указал и район места захоронения расстрелянных вблизи Медного. Книга подготовлена в обществе «Мемориал» в результате 8 лет напряженной работы исследователей «Польской программы», собиравших и изучавших архивные документы НКВД, а также специалистов по выявлению, обработке и анализу документальных данных, использованию печатных источников. Более 2700 из 6295 биографических справок о расстрелянных польских военнопленных снабжены их довоенными фотографиями, предоставленными польскими архивами, исследователями и родственниками."
#FB3SL5 (0+7) / @o01eg / 2164 дня назад
Бабло победит пуритано-sjwшное зло: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/990500595/subverse/ "Since the dawn of time, humankind has stared up at the cosmos with a mixture of trepidation and wonder. Turning our curious eyes toward the glittering stars speckled around our little blue planet, we have often asked ourselves the eternal question: Are we alone in this universe? What is out there? More importantly… can we bone it? That’s why we made Subverse - a tactical RPG/SHMUP hybrid that takes place in a fully explorable galaxy where you get to be the Captain of your very own ship...which is crewed by the sexiest and deadliest waifus you can recruit. Oh, and you can also befriend a perpetually stoned imp mechanic with six testicles. Enter the Prodigium Galaxy – a place ruled by a by a bunch of puritanical, oppressive douchebags who pretty much hate anything sexy. Naturally, it’s up to you lead a covert revolution to overthrow these dickheads with your very own black ops squad of knockout waifus backed up by genetically engineered monsters and a top-secret stolen military fighter ship - all of which can be upgraded into an unstoppable force with loot and credits."
#UNUA9I (0+9) / @o01eg / 2176 дней назад
Тем временем движение противодействия феминизму крепнет и уже собирает деньги на адвоката для лживо и по-советски обвинённого в изнасиловании Вика Миньоны (голос Кроу в RWBY) https://www.gofundme.com/vic-kicks-back "Vic Mignogna spent the past two decades building a career as a voice actor. He worked with great people, made great friends, and represented great companies. Over the past month, all of that work and goodwill was maliciously and brutally destroyed by a dedicated group hell-bent on dragging his name and reputation into oblivion. This capped off with hurtful allegations from people Vic has worked with, and considered friends, for many years. Now Vic has been removed from Rooster Teeth and Funimation, and disinvited from several conventions, disconnecting him from his income and from his fans and supporters. Vic has tried to mitigate the situation with public statements, and the attacks on him and his character persist. Anyone who knows Vic knows he would never ask for this, and does not want this course of action. When your opponents leave you no choice, you eventually have to kick back. This Fund is set up for Vic's legal defense fees. There are MANY possible defendants in different jurisdictions, from boring bloggers to multi-million, even multi-billion dollar corporations. It takes an agile and experienced (read: not cheap) legal team to coordinate this kind of strategy. I AM NOT REPRESENTING VIC IN A LEGAL CAPACITY, but I am aware of the team who is and will coordinate this fund to pay for Vic's legal fees. Litigation costs are highly dependent on the actions of your opponents, so I'm hoping to raise enough to account for that. We will announce the disposition of any extra funds candidly and provide updates on the usage of funds to the extent that such information can be made public. You know Vic, whether you've supported Vic for years, or just recently found out about his situation, you know he'd never ask for this. That's why I am doing this and he is not involved. He is thankful for prayers and support but, in my professional capacity as an attorney, I know this comes at significant financial cost. BUT IT'S TIME TO FIGHT BACK. Brigades of pseudo-anonymous keyboard warriors cannot be allowed to defame and destroy decades of goodwill on rumor and unverifiable allegation. Companies cannot rely on non-credible accusations and devastate a career for virtue points. Help Support Vic. Help Vic Kick Back." И одна фирма решила не взбираться на идущий под откос состав феминизма, а вспомнить о презумции невиновности: https://www.oneangrygamer.net/2019/02/fantasy-soft-stands-with-vig-mignogna-says-hes-innocent-until-proven-guilty/77366/ "“Concerning all of the allegations against Vic Mignogna and Todd Haberkorn, we’ve decided to stand with them until we see concrete evidence of wrongdoing. To our knowledge, there are zero police reports and zero formal complaints. Until then, Vic and Todd will always have a home here at Fantasy Soft Entertainment. No matter how big or small we’ll become, we will stand up for our employees and won’t throw them under the bus. “It is innocent until proven guilty, not the other way around.”"
#Z4K8M5 (0+8) / @o01eg / 2209 дней назад
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1409632367/hakubo-anime-film-by-twilight-studio/ "Hakubo: Anime Film by Twilight Studio “Hakubo” is a heartwarming love story of a boy and a girl living in Iwaki, Fukushima. A high school girl in Fukushima: Ordinary girl who feels insecure about everything except violin. A high school boy in Fukushima: Ordinary boy who loves simple life and painting, but Tohoku earthquake has cast shadow over his life. Two meets in ordinary landscape of northeast Japan. Somewhat awkward encounter will gradually grow and become love. Will their love bring miracle to the world, or will it vanish like a daydream? Regardless of what lies in the future, they love and share their core values of the life, feeling the breath of the world. “Hakubo” is the final film of Tohoku Trilogy project. Acknowledged creator Yutaka Yamamoto, known for “Wake Up, Girls!” “Lucky Star” and “Kannagi,” will take roles as Original Work, Screenplay, Director and Sound Director."
#BISW6Y (0+9) / @o01eg / 2214 дней назад
Nekopara OVA Completed. Наконец-то дошли руки посмотреть уплаченное. В игру не играл, чувствуется, что в аниме не особо цельная вырезка историй. 7/10 https://i.juick.com/photos-1024/2932768.png
#6CJ3GI (0+8) / @o01eg / 2246 дней назад
Mad God part 3. Теперь даже живые актёры снимаются: https://i.juick.com/photos-1024/2930100.png
#MRT6O2 (0+9) / @o01eg / 2276 дней назад
@Strephil на заметку: https://planeta.ru/campaigns/rememberthegulag/ "Сборник графических новелл «ВЫ-ЖИВШИЕ. ГУЛАГ» Воспоминаниях реальных жертв репрессий, рассказанные визуальным языком графических новелл. Проект Музея истории ГУЛАГа. Лишь половина молодых россиян слышали о массовых репрессиях, которые происходили в СССР. Каждый четвертый впервые слышит о ГУЛАГе (сеть лагерей, в которых отбывали наказание осужденные не только за бытовые и уголовные преступления, но и по политическим мотивам). За 27 лет существования ГУЛАГа через лагеря прошли около двадцати миллионов человек, каждый десятый остался в ГУЛАГе навечно. Жертвы репрессий достойны того, чтобы о них не забывали. Цель проекта – сформировать знание среди молодежи о трагических событиях в истории нашей страны, происходивших на территории бывшего СССР. Самым простым и доступным способом рассказать о судьбах людей, ставших жертвами репрессий, дать возможность почувствовать всю боль и ужас того несправедливого времени и не допустить, чтобы трагедия повторилась. Формат графических новелл позволяет доступным языком рассказать о судьбах реальных людей, пострадавших от репрессий..."
#1WI66R (0+9) / @o01eg / 2299 дней назад
Mecha-Ude Completed. С этого кадра аж Санрайз померещился https://i.juick.com/photos-1024/2922416.png ОЯШи из секретной организации, побеждающие противника на силе превозмогания. Ну я даже не знаю, не платил бы, прошёл бы мимо. 6/10.
#AR2UEY (0+8) / @o01eg / 2351 день назад
Распределённые вычисления в виде анимешной девочки... https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/621451407/over-droid-get-a-piece-of-supercomputer "“OVER DROID” is a Grid computing (alias : Distributed Computing) BOINC exclusive use, Ultra small computing machine by Icesword. No troublesome setting or operation is required. “BOINC” will start as soon as connecting two cables. The results obtained by the BOINC calculation are utilized in various research around the world, and can contribute to the future and the development of mankind. Furthermore, “OVER DROID” fuses entertainment elements such as comics and animation by original characters. The world’s first BOINC entertainment computer that makes social contribution more easily and fun by grid computing. That is “OVER DROID”. [...] There are currently two types of "BOINC" projects that you can participate by "OVER DROID". "Analysis of gravitational wave data (Einstein@Home)” and “Exploration of extraterrestrial intelligent life forms (SETI@home)" Check on the project you want to participate, please choose from six types of bodies."
#ECLNJ9 (0+8) / @o01eg / 2393 дня назад
https://planeta.ru/campaigns/mezhsezonie "Я, Александр Хант, режиссер фильма «Как Витька Чеснок вез Леху Штыря в дом инвалидов». Я хочу рассказать вам про свой новый замысел, фильм «Межсезонье», который я начну снимать весной следующего года. Это история про двух подростков, мальчика и девочку, которые, в знак протеста против запретов родителей, убегают из дома с оружием и отправляются в рискованное криминальное путешествие. Сценарист фильма «Межсезонье» — Дмитрий Соболев, известный вам по фильму «Остров» Павла Лунгина. [...] Жанр: приключенческая, подростковая, криминальная драма Время и место действия: Россия, наши дни Продолжительность: 1 час 50 минут Год выпуска: начало 2020 «Межсезонье» — это история про двух подростков, парня и девушку, которые пытаются отстоять не только свою любовь, но и право быть самими собой. Чтобы оставаться вместе, они вынуждены бежать, скрываться, жить двойной жизнью. Пытаясь доказать свое право на свободу и индивидуальность, ребята переходят черту дозволенного, превращаются из Ромео и Джульетты в Бонни и Клайда — в мстителей всему миру, в котором им не нашлось места. Толчком для сюжета стала реальная трагедия, произошедшая в 2016 году под Псковом — 15-летние Денис и Катя сбежали из дома с найденным в сейфе оружием, забаррикадировались на даче и, когда их попыталась взять штурмом полиция, застрелились. К сожалению, история псковских школьников не единственная сегодня. Мы часто слышим о подростковой жестокости не только по отношению к сверстникам, но и к самим себе. За 2017 год в России подростками было совершено 42 556 преступлений и 693 самоубийств. Ежегодно каждый 12-ый ребенок пробует совершить суицид. Наша цель — дать подросткам высказаться и сделать так, чтобы их услышали."
#NU4IIC (4+9) / @o01eg / 2442 дня назад
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kongkee/dragons-delusion-the-animated-sci-fi-project "離騷幻覺 Dragon's Delusion - The Animated Sci-fi Project The Dragon’s Delusion is a visually unique, highly stylised sci-fi story. This is not just an animation. This is an untold secret of our soul. The search for eternal life is an incessant obsession of mankind. 2000 years ago, Emperor Qin Shi Huang conquered all six Warring States. After creating the first unified Chinese empire, the Emperor devoted his energy to the search for the elixir of life. He failed ultimately, and finally resorted to building a terracotta army to accompany his burial, so that he can extend his dream of an eternal throne in his afterlife. The Dragon’s Delusion puts forward a hypothesis: if the Emperor did succeed, what would the world be like? In this story, the Emperor implements an eternal life project that seeks to merge man and machine, and successfully accomplishes an unprecedented autocracy. In a world where human beings, robots and cyborgs live alongside one another, a robot nicknamed Mr. D appeared in a port city. As he discovers within himself the soul of a priest from a past life, he starts to pursue the answer to this mystery. In the process he is drawn into the plans of an assassins’ league dedicated to the extermination of the Emperor. Mr. D must solve the mystery of the Emperor’s immortality in order to overcome all the crises and solve all the mysteries."
#VQCYGX (0+7) / @o01eg / 2523 дня назад
WAT https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/642534363/between-the-lips-fra-le-labbra/ "From two masters of Italian comics comes a graphic novel for adults, about the true story of Matteo Realdo Colombo, the anatomist who, in the 16th century, was the first to unveil the function of the clitoris and therefore completely revolutionise the perception of the source of female pleasure. For fans of this genre, this extraordinarily erotic drama is a must have!"
#TBFP24 (0+3) / @o01eg / 2535 дней назад
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1039309513/glow-1-2 "Glow is an ongoing comic series by Ray Chou and Vincenzo Ferriero with art by Anny Maulina and Dia Jia. Glow takes place in a world where magic catalyzed both industrial revolution and nuclear holocaust. Half a millennia ago, an ancient and powerful empire known as Nymera developed a means to channel and store magical energy into a sticky blue substance known as anima, storing them into massive Towers across the world."
#1ADV3J (0+1) / @o01eg / 2558 дней назад
Ещё две версии: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/aiforeveryone/mycroft-mark-ii-the-open-voice-assistant "Interact with technology and your connected devices in the most natural way – by speaking to them. Mark II is a hands-free smart speaker to get answers, play music, and handle all the little details in life, all by voice. What sets Mark II apart? It’s open source. This means your personal data stays private, you can customize your experience, and Mycroft is a neutral player in the voice game, allowing you to be confident in your personal preference of apps and skills. More than this, the Mycroft platform is created by a community of innovators, keeping the technology honest and well-rounded."
#K701JI (2+1) / @o01eg / 2575 дней назад
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/bootlin/allwinner-vpu-support-in-the-official-linux-kernel "Developing and upstreaming complete Linux support for the Allwinner VPU, for hardware accelerated video decoding and encoding. The Allwinner ARM processors are very popular in a large number of hobbyists development boards, and more and more widely used in embedded products. Support for those processors was initiated in the official Linux kernel by Bootlin (formerly Free Electrons) engineer Maxime Ripard in 2012, and has since then been improved up to the point where actual Allwinner-based products are being shipped with the official Linux kernel. However, one key feature that is missing from the support in the official Linux kernel is support for the VPU (Video Processing Unit). This unit allows to offload to the hardware the decoding and encoding of video streams, avoiding the need to involve the CPU for such intensive operations. Having VPU support would provide a smoother video decoding/encoding experience, at a much lower CPU consumption. A lot of existing work has already been done around supporting Allwinner’s VPU (including by Bootlin, see below), and the goal of this Kickstarter is to build on top of this work to complete VPU support and have it supported in the official Linux kernel. It is worth mentioning that this goal is listed as one of the High Priority projects of the Free Software Foundation."
#QVFBVT (1+2) / @o01eg / 2590 дней назад
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/325175510/blossom-detective-holmes-the-animated-mini-series/ "Blossom Detective Holmes is a first of its kind independent animated mini-series filled with suspense, mystery, and action. Not a lot of anime is produced in America, so Blossom is taking the first steps to make that happen! The goal of the show is to introduce a new genre into mainstream American animation that will be based on mature topics such as crime, murder, and serious drama. This genre of animation is very uncommon in animated shows, and you can be a trendsetter by supporting Blossom Detective Holmes and bringing it to market! The first case in the series, Selfie with a Strange Intruder, begins with two teenage detectives, Skylar Holmes and her partner Jamie, as they take on the case of a suspicious robbery from their client, Mr. Edvard. Skylar and Jamie both have unique skills that make them the best in the business. Skylar has the instincts of an expert detective and a heightened sense of smell, almost hound like, that allows her to gather data through scent alone. Jamie, on the other hand, is meticulous and uses visible evidence and logic to uncover the truth. Jamie also carries a special Polaroid camera that can transport them anywhere in the world with a quick snap of the camera. The show is created, produced, and directed by Steve Ahn, a distinguished director and artist known for his work on DreamWorks Voltron Legendary Defender, Nickelodeon’s Avatar: The Legend of Korra, and more. Steve and Team Holmes aim to make a series that will be filled with twists and turns that will leave you craving more! Blossom Detective Holmes is a crime mystery suspense genre made for an audience of young adults and up! "
#BGS5G0 (0+2) / @o01eg / 2590 дней назад
Сборы на PowerPC ноутбук: https://www.powerpc-notebook.org/campaigns/electrical-schematics-notebook-powerpc-motherboard-donation-campaign/ "We really want to make it happen: a PowerPC notebook released as Open Source. This first phase will achieve the identification and design of all aspects of the motherboard thanks to a contracted professional electronic engineer. We really want to make it happen: a PowerPC notebook released as Open Source. To achieve this goal a series of tasks must be performed, such as designing a custom motherboard that would fit into an existing mainstream notebook chassis. Since October 2014, when the project was launched, the number of people showing interest had been steadily increasing, and we are now quite a few experience volunteers, some of whom are able to contribute in reviewing and checking aspects of the required electronic design. Unfortunately, after all this years we are stuck, because of the lack of either spare time, or engineer capabilities and professional skills. In order to solve the situation, in 2016 we approached the Italian firm ACube Systems a company that have some experience in designing PowerPC motherboards. We were lucky, as we found a group of passionate people that shared the long-term advantages of the Open Hardware philosophy, and their prior experience in designing a variety of PowerPC motherboards makes them an ideal choice as a partner. Together with ACube we will be able to get the electronic design done, but a professional electronic designer has to be paid. At this point the group involved in the project decided to get serious and launch a fundraising campaign to pay for the required job."
#QELA47 (3+2) / @o01eg / 2662 дня назад
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/megabots/worlds-first-giant-robot-tournament "If this crowdfunding campaign is successfully funded, we will: Host the World's First Giant Fighting Robot Tournament in the San Francisco Bay Area in Q4 2018, where 4 teams will compete for the international title. This event will be live, unscripted, and professionally livestreamed. We will confirm a final date with our fans 6 months in advance. There is a possibility this date will be pushed back if teams aren't ready, or if arenas aren't available, but we will communicate with our fans every step of the way. We are no longer under any NDAs like we were during the Giant Robot Duel, and are free to communicate about our plans openly. Make our MK2-class Iron Glory robot open source, so anyone in the world can build their own mech. It should be possible to build all of the components of a MK2-class robot in a garage, so long as you assemble it outside... Produce MegaBots Season 2, where we show you our own R&D AND the progress of teams around the world as they prepare their mechs for the tournament. Host a series of MegaBots LIVE! events at our headquarters, where you get to be up close and personal with the robots and watch us test new technology/rules/weapons/etc live. "
#PTEOTM (0+1) / @o01eg / 2668 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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