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#A6KUY6 (0) / @hate-engine / 3158 дней назад


#JLHHT0 (11+3) / @postman / 3167 дней назад


#GWT6QB (1+1) / @postman / 3168 дней назад

tfw нестеренко уехал в америку и думал, что съебал из говнорашки, а тут ВНЕЗАПНО обнаруживает, что и там уже давно свил гнездо ссаный совок

#UZT1AS (9+1) / @goren / 3174 дня назад

They did in one form or another. The SJW is a radical engineered to serve an old agenda. You just need to learn the history they were disincentivized to teach you.

You would think that they're sworn enemies from the way story is told in school, but the Marxist vision of a centrally planned economic, social, and political order was not at all incompatible with elite plans for world government. It just needed some case-specific alterations.

The international banking cartels and industrial "robber-barons" of 19th and early 20th centuries that had amassed great fortunes (especially during wartime) often found their plans for the reorganization and modernization of society (on their terms) frustrated by the same "oppressive" monarchies, aristocracies, religions, nationalisms, tribalisms, and traditions that Marxism promised to overturn. By financing Marxism, global elites could both co-opt its message and steer its ultimate direction, thereby covertly recruiting their seeming opposition as a powerful new ally in their schemes. Controlled opposition is, after all, the best kind.

Thus, in globalists' home countries, the Marxist victim-oppressor dialectic was reoriented from the axis of economic class to axes of biological identity (i.e. race, gender, and sexual orientation), securing much-needed cover for financial elites and their supra-national "non-governing" bodies by diverting leftist academic scrutiny from overt economic inequalities to natural ones. It also had the effect of agitating and exacerbating those same divisions among the citizenry, rendering them incapable of unifying around a coherent political platform. Divide and rule.

The global elite understood that the way to sell slavery to a Western, capitalist democracy was to brand it as a form of liberation. This necessitated a revolution in education that would dispense with individual virtues, traditional values, and objective truth. Instead they would institute an ersatz system founded upon a moral and intellectual relativism that stressed socialization, consensus, and collectivism. The subsequent leftward slide of the masses effectively arrested the development of any ethno-nationalist movements which pose perhaps the only serious ideological challenge to globalist rule.

Thus, for the past century or more, our schools and universities have been socially re-engineered by a professional cabal of progressive educators, utopian crusaders, marxist agitators, leftist academics, communist zealots, and other so-called "school reformers" and "change agents" laboring under the generous patronage of such esteemed names as Ford, Carnegie, and Rockefeller (through their tax-exempt foundations, of course) to, often by their own admissions, produce a collectivist, obedient, and technocratically manageable society of credulous, helpless imbeciles incapable of independent thought and political agency.

To understand how all this came about, it is necessary to study the genesis and history of our educational system outside the narrative parameters of that same educational system.


Somewhat off-topic but fascinating source material

Dr. Antony C Sutton of the Hoover Institute details deliberate transfers of finances, resources, and technologies from Western elites to both the Soviets and the Nazis in this rare 1980 interview.

The Order of Death - Anthony Sutton explains the Skull & Bones Secret Society

COVER UP: Behind the Iran Contra Affair

Bill Moyers - The Secret Government

The Last CIA Whistleblower: Drug Trafficking, Training Terrorists, and the U.S. Government

CIA Drug Ops, Clintons, Bushes, Mena

#PVTXO5 (0) / @postman / 3175 дней назад

In a stunning display of irony, campus crazies at the prestigious London School of Economics (LSE) are holding a vote to ban the university’s free speech society. Voting is likely to take place at the Union General Meeting this Thursday.


#8GB7B4 (0+2) / @postman / 3178 дней назад
#B51WWE (0+1) / @postman / 3178 дней назад
> This is the writeup of some events that happened last Monday, around the R community, and what I'm doing about them. > TL;DR: I'm resigning from all of my responsibilities and positions in the wider R community and ceasing development of new R packages. I no longer have faith that the R Foundation is capable of or interested in creating a safe and welcoming space for statisticians, scientists and programmers, and do not wish to offer support to an infrastructure lacking these capabilities and interests. … >### R and inclusion > Rewind a week, to last Monday: I'm wandering around Twitter seeing what everyone is up to, reading through, and spot a tweet that immediately makes me headdesk. It points to a line in the R source code containing a variable called, with all seriousness... > > [iGiveHead](https://github.com/wch/r-source/blob/b156e3a711967f58131e23c1b1dc1ea90e2f0c43/src/library/utils/R/str.R#L57 ) > I don't think that this is an intentional sexual reference - far from it, I'm certain it's just due to an absence of familiarity with one particularly crass English idiom, and I have only ever known the developer who wrote the code (whose first language is not English) to be entirely proper, entirely reasonable, and the model of what a productive Core member should be. >But it needs to go anyway: it's exclusionary as all hell to have language like this in the core implementation and we can't expect people to instantly understand intentions. … https://archive.is/LRWqP
#D3GJKS (6+2) / @postman / 3178 дней назад

Кароче расскажу вам что именно SJW, антифашисты, фемнацики и прочая ватная гопота подразумевает под термином привилегии.
С точки зрения фемнациков члены привилегированных социальных групп это те кто являются желанной добычей и легальной целью для травли, издевательств, клеветы, избиений, увечения, убийств, увольнений и всяческой иной дискриминации. Это те кому sjw-церковь разрешает причинять всяческие гадости не испытывая угрызений совести.
Привилегии разумеется не считаются объективным образом. Потому что иначе исходя из статистики пришлось бы признать что именно женщины являются наиболее привилегированным из полов, а этого церковь допустить не может. Поэтому привилегированные группы устанавливаются церковью непосредственно, без оглядки на реальные факты и реальное качество жизни членов этих групп.
С точки зрения фемнациков и sjw-церкви, люди которых церковь назначила превилегированными: дико винованы перед этой церковью, обладают первородным грехом рождения в группе которую церковь назначила привилегированной, должны вечно каятся, являются желанной добычей для травли со стороны церкви и фемнациков, по праву рождения являются людьми второго сорта - самой низшей кастой, и при всём при этом не являются угнетёнными и не могут претендовать на этот статус, даже если статистически их качество жизни намного ниже чем у других групп.
Теперь если вы когда нибудь встретите в интернете термин привилегии в фемнацистском контексте, вы будете знать что он обозначает.

#I2NK7N (6+2) / @anonymous / 3182 дня назад

Давайте как-нибудь по весне съездим на природу, поиграем в ПРИВИЛЕГИЮ?

#494PMV (0) / @goren / 3257 дней назад

Вообще, рекомендую весь этот канал.

#P2C641 (1+1) / @anonymous / 3260 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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