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#IW1OU4 (2) / @o01eg / 3429 дней назад
http://defense-studies.blogspot.ru/2015/07/japan-defense-ministry-gives-details-of.html The Japanese government has allocated the budget and formally begun the process of constructing and adding a new subclass of Aegis destroyers to its existing fleet of Kongo and Atago class Aegis ships. This new subclass is officially called the "27DD". It is widely regarded as the second but a much improved batch of the JMSDF's Atago class destroyer (which in turn is the same improvement of Kongo). The two ships of 27DD will be commissioned in 2020 and 2021. (image : Japan MoD) According to the Japanese MoD's RfP to bidding contractors, the 27DD will incorporate a number of design changes compared to the first batch of Atagos. First, the hull of 27DD has been enlarged to an empty displacement of 8,200 tons compared to the original Atago's 7,700 tons. It is believed in the Japanese defense community that the enlargement of the hull was conceived in order to provide a necessary growth space for advanced naval weapon systems that are currently under development in Japan, and will be incrementally added to the ships' arsenal as they are developed -- such as railguns and laser point-defense systems. ... Eventually, the Japanese MoD envisions their new Aegis ships to be the first operating platform of an indigenous naval railgun and laser point-defense system that they are locally developing in Japan. The plan for the railgun armament was outlined in their recently published FY2015 defense budget report. (Japan MoD)"
#M787B8 (0+1) / @o01eg / 3432 дня назад
Ещё один всё понял: http://www.japanfocus.org/-Onuki-Satoko/3514/article.html "At this point, my anger reached its peak. This is like the police and thieves working together. Until then, I had thought TEPCO was in cahoots with the government, but the real evil deep within the electric company, remained hidden. The ultimate problem is with METI and the government." Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) Tokyo Power Electric Company (TEPCO)
#5QSQL1 (2) / @o01eg / 3433 дня назад
Роскомнадзор дотянулся до Японии: https://twitter.com/doku_f/status/620910920307314688 "この前の二次ロリ系アカウントが大量に消された件は国内のSMSを管理したいロシアが外国サービスであるTwitterの粗探しをしてロシア国内法に違反したあらゆるアカウントを報告したのが発端らしい。さすがに国家レベルのクレームは無視できずコンセンサスが得られやすいエロが犠牲に。!" https://twitter.com/doku_f/status/620913706604474368 "@doku_f メディア監査機関『Roskomnadzor』がロシア連邦法に違反しているツイートをtwitter社に公式文面で削除要請してるからHイラスト上げてる人がBANされてる。国の機関が要請しているから対応早くて即BANされるし、胸が露出している程度のイラストでもアウトと…"
#U27POX (0) / @o01eg / 3444 дня назад
カラスは真っ白 годно, и клипы хорошие, а кроме клипов что-то не нахожу ничего.
#NB83IP (0) / @o01eg / 3452 дня назад
https://meduza.io/shapito/2015/07/06/yapontsy-i-amerikantsy-ustroyat-duel-gigantskih-robotov "Американский производитель роботов MegaBots вызвал своих японских конкурентов, компанию Suidobashi Heavy Industry, на дуэль. Американцы показали своего гигантского робота, вооруженного пейнтбольными пушками, и предложили выставить на поединок с ним четырехтонного Kuratas. Спустя неделю японцы приняли вызов. При этом основатель Suidobashi Когоро Курата предложил устроить бой на мечах (хотя гигантский робот, которого он построил, вооружен неплохо — есть даже пулемет Гатлинга, управляемый улыбкой пилота). «Моя реакция? Давайте, ребята, будьте круче. Просто построить что-то гигантское и прикрепить к нему оружие. Это так… супер по-американски». Когда и где пройдет бой, пока неизвестно. MegaBots предлагали японцам выбрать место и пообещали, что дуэль пройдет в течение года. «Да, я буду бороться. Абсолютно. Мы не можем позволить другой стране победить в дуэли. Гигантские роботы — это японская культура», — сказал Курата (англ. яз.)."
#0S4VCU (4+2) / @o01eg / 3453 дня назад
Немного Хасекуры: Q: How did you come up with the relationship dynamic in Spice and Wolf's main pairing? https://twitter.com/Sh1zuka/status/617520799847550977 A: Horo and Lawrence just kind of happened! He didn't really think about it XD https://twitter.com/Sh1zuka/status/617521096623984641 Q: Are there any more economics related topics you plan on exploring in future stories? https://twitter.com/Sh1zuka/status/617522106033528832 A: Yes, I'm exploring topics such as Bitcoin and transactions conducted inside online games! https://twitter.com/Sh1zuka/status/617522282051715073
#AUYFWH (0) / @o01eg / 3454 дня назад
Интересный момент, если бы не проклятый капитализм, и вместо частных ЖД компаний было бы государственное говно, кошка бы до начстанции, а потом и до местного божества, не дослужилась. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/07/01/tama-the-cat-stationmaster-japan-dies_n_7702762.html "Thousands of people gathered in a Japanese city over the weekend to bid farewell to a beloved local icon: a cat named Tama who served as stationmaster of a rural railway station for almost a decade. The calico cat has been credited with saving the struggling station, and its railway line, from financial collapse. Tama’s road to glory began in 2007 when she was appointed honorary stationmaster at the unmanned Kishi station in rural Wakayama prefecture. Tama, who had been a stray who hung around the station, was the first cat in the world to hold such a position. According to the Associated Press, the Wakayama Electric Railway had been almost bankrupt at the time of Tama’s appointment, and the Kishi station had let go of all its staff. The president of the railway, Mitsunobu Kojima, told the news outlet that appointing Tama as stationmaster had initially just been an excuse to keep the cat at the station. “But she was really doing her job,” he said. Tama, wearing a custom-made stationmaster’s cap and cape, would sit at the station’s ticket gate “greeting” passengers. She soon attracted tourists from across Japan and around the world who flocked to the station to see her at work. Kojima says the cat’s popularity helped pull the railway line out of debt. The cat is said to have contributed an estimated 1.1 billion yen ($8.9 million) to the local economy. "Tama-chan really emerged like a savior,” Kojima said in a speech delivered at the cat’s funeral. "It was truly my honor to have been able to work with her.” Tama died on June 22 at the age of 16 (or about 80 in human years). On Sunday, an estimated 3,000 people attended her funeral, held at Kishi station. Mourners reportedly brought flowers and tins of tuna to honor the late stationmaster. During the Shinto-style ceremony, Tama was elevated to the status of goddess. Followers of the Shinto religion honor many gods, including animal deities."
#2Z1D03 (2+1) / @o01eg / 3456 дней назад
http://postnauka.ru/video/48951 "Первые исследования подобного рода проводились в Японии, где исследовалось влияние обучения в школе математике на локализацию в мозге вычислительных процессов. В Японии учат математике с помощью больших абаков, которые носят название «соробан» — это довольно сложная система с колечками, которые движутся по палочкам, они многоразрядные. И это обязательный элемент японского образования, при использовании которого операции счета в этой образной форме постепенно встраиваются, по сути дела, внутрь психики. И оказывается, согласно данным ФМРТ, функциональной магнитно-резонансной томографии, согласно поведенческим данным, у японцев счет реализуется правым полушарием (Hanakawa et al., 2003). У европейского человека задача счета выполняется, по сути дела, теми же зонами мозга, которые задействованы в порождении речи, — зонами левого полушария. Собственно, прямое сравнение в томографе задач на счет, порождение речи и образные преобразования показало, что счет у японцев похож на образные преобразования, а у европейцев на речь. Отсюда следует, например, что с японцами нужно очень осторожно вести переговоры. Мы можем либо считать, либо говорить, а они могут считать и говорить одновременно, поэтому, естественно, очень здорово выигрывают."
#X3DR6H (21+2) / @o01eg / 3465 дней назад
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sekaiproject/memorys-dogma-a-scifi-indie-visual-novel-from-japa "A state-operated facility that allows one to communicate with the deceased: the Connect Center" Year 2030. With Japan's recent advancements in information science and neuroscience, human memories can now be saved and recorded. The technology is referred to as "e-Memory." However, due to the rapid increase in the number of crimes using the e-Memory technology, the government has introduced strict regulations on human memory data. In essence, the government now holds a monopoly on all human memory data. The recording of still-living humans was forbidden, and the e-Memory technology was only to be used on the deceased, giving rise to the establishment of "Connect Centers." These state-owned and operated facilities allowed one to call and communicate with the dead. These "Connect Centers" allowed people who were still in a period of bereavement to cope with their loss by talking with their recently deceased loved ones. The protagonist, Kusuhara Hiroki, is a college student struggling with suicidal impulses after the sudden passing of his close childhood friend, Mizunashi Sorano. Her memories were to last only until August 26—a mere four more days. Kusuhara teams up with his friend, Amamiya Kakeru, in an attempt to steal Mizunashi Sorano's memories from the server where they were stored. In the midst of this, the two discover the secret of the Connect Centers, and are suddenly embroiled in the fight taking place behind the scenes."
#C8OU0F (0) / @o01eg / 3487 дней назад
Опять они за старое http://store.steampowered.com/app/349680/ "GO! GO! VULKAISER! Supercharged Robot VULKAISER is a 70s giant robot anime-inspired side-scrolling shooter from the creators of SATAZIUS and GIGANTIC ARMY! Pilot the Supercharged Robot VULKAISER and fight with your VulFighter team mates to defend the Earth from the invading Gogoh Army! Story: In 1977, the good people of Earth face their gravest ever threat... The Gogoh Army has arrived from the outer reaches of space to invade the Earth! The Gogoh Army expect conquering the Earth will be an easy task. Little do they know that the Earth is prepared to resist, thanks to the Super Electric Research Center and the pinnacle of human scientific achievement: the giant combat robot known as Supercharged Robot VULKAISER! Ace pilot Takuya Akatsuki and Supercharged Robot VULKAISER will take on the attacking Gogoh Army, backed by the loyal VulFighter team and the head of the Super Electric Research Center, Professor Amamori! VULKAISER can COMBINE with the 4 other VulFighter craft for even more formidable firepower! GO, GO, VULKAISER! Bring peace to the Earth!"
#LQHE1E (0) / @o01eg / 3489 дней назад
ipv6 ready BnW для ведрофона BnW на Реформале Викивач Котятки

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